My New Neighbours

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When I woke up, it was about 10 am, and I was feeling the effects of jet lag. I normally wake up at 11-12 on weekends and holidays, so 10 am is way too early. I look out my bedroom window, and instead of seeing concrete and brick buildings, trees, suburban homes and greenery welcome me. 

I could get used to L.A.

I wash my face, which wakes me up completely, brush my teeth, put on something presentable, and suddenly realize something: my room is completely unpacked. No boxes, nothing related to construction. Just a typical teenager's room (but it's too clean to be typical).

I didn't really care about what it looked like last night, but it must have taken Mom and Dad at least a day to do this! There's a really comfy bed and a huge window (with curtains that do not have kiddish designs on them). Not to mention my PC on a desk with a lamp and my bookcase (Yes, I like reading. Don't judge me.)

To further heighten my good mood, there was a hilarious prank that had been uploaded by one of the Dolan Twins, Grayson, in retaliation to being hit by raw eggs and mayo sandwiches. Yay for heated spirits! So in the video, Grayson catches Ethan in a hunting net, then pretends to leave him there, because Ethan is scared of the dark. Then, he dresses up in a creepy clown costume, and scares the absolute **** out of Ethan, who is so mad at Grayson, he attacks him.

YouTube is a haven & a solace for teenagers. Entertainment, entertainment and entertainment.

I go downstairs, in anticipation of a good breakfast and Dad having left for work already.

Downstairs, Mom is chilling on the couch, and there's a middle-aged woman next to her. She looks like she's chatting with Mom. Very animatedly. Mom, you either have a talent of making friends easily, or you just want someone to talk to. It's probably both though.

"Morning, Mom" I shout as I walk into what looks like the kitchen. It's all so big! There's no way we could have afforded this in the Big Apple. I hear a "Honey, come here. I want you to meet Mrs. Dolan. She's our neighbor, and her kids are about your age." I groan and walk over. Her kids are probably geeks with no friends who like Star Wars and Pokémon. My every nerve hates what I'm doing and my brain is screaming STOP MOVING  to my legs. 

I enter the living room. "Hey Mrs. Dolan" I say. She immediately replies "Call me Lisa, please, Alex." 

My heart is pounding, and I think my face is white. Don't even think that. Stop thinking that! Lisa Dolan is probably the mom of the Dolan Twins. I try to act nonchalant, and walk away from the two moms. Suddenly, I hear "My twins should be here in half an hour". 

I don't know whether to cry, scream with happiness, or both.

I finish finding everything I need to make breakfast (bread with Nutella and a glass of OJ), and all that other boring stuff, and go upstairs. Because my bedroom window is so big, I can see the Dolans' house. Looks really nice, but so will ours.

I'm really hyper this morning, so I go downstairs to ask Mom if she has my skateboard.

"Really, Lisa, I love golden-" "Mom, did you take out my skateboard", I interrupt their conversation. "No, but I did take out Dad's BMX", she says, with an annoyed face. "Can I take it to the skate park?" I shoot immediately, excited. "And where is it?" Lisa tells me that it's two streets to the left. Then Mom says, "Wear a helmet, honey."

"Really, Mom?"

I leave without it, and see that Dad's BMX is resprayed green, and the handlebars are greased, everything's ready for stunting. You probably don't know, but when I was 14, I used to BMX every day, so I'm awesome at that. I can do handlebar grinds, huge wheelies, even bunny hops.

The only problem I remember from the bike is that its tires are slightly worn out, but that's okay. That'll actually help today. In New York, I needed more grip, because the skate park was slippery. L.A's  probably concrete, so I have all the grip I need.

When I reach the park, it's almost empty. YES! Now I can do the most risky stunts with no fear of hurting anyone. I start off simple with a handlebar switch, then wheelie down the slope. Everything's come back to me.

About an hour and a flat tire later, I pedal home slowly and happily

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About an hour and a flat tire later, I pedal home slowly and happily. I pop a wheelie just outside the garage, and park the bike. Note to self: fill up air, or the tire will puncture.

I ring the doorbell, and a guy with curly black hair opens the door. "Hi, I'm Ethan".


So that's Chapter 3 guys, I really hope you enjoyed it, and I'm now trying to go ahead with the actual story. TBH, I wrote this chapter in too much detail, but I think that works for this chapter. Alex, though, has had the best surprise of his life, and I'm sorry for the cliffhanger. But who doesn't like cliffhangers? Builds excitement. 


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