First Day

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Alex's POV:

I sigh, grab my phone and bag, and hop into my secondhand Civic, which I got yesterday. It's really fast, and in no time, I'm halfway to school, which is a mile away. As I cycle there, dodging cars, trash cans, and amateur BMXers, I think of the girl I met the day before at the skate park. I really hope it's Aubrey, the one Martin was talking about.

Ten minutes of wishful thinking later, I reach school, lock up my new(?) car and head into the brick walls of my new school, and I see Martin, chatting to the girl from the skate park.

Please be Aubrey, please be Aubrey....

"Sup, Martin? And hi, we met at the skate park the day before!" I direct the last part at the girl. I just hope I'm not blushing. "Alex- Aubrey, Aubrey- Alex." Martin introduces us to each other. Then the bell rings.

"Aubrey, has Martin been talking to you 'bout me much? Because he's pretty much been ranting 24x7 about you whenever we meet. 'So there's this girl named Aubrey, she's really pretty, you'd make a great couple!' and all that BS." I say, glaring at Martin.

Aubrey giggles, and replies, "According to him, you're the perfect match for me. We barely know each other, so Martin, if you're trying to ship #Alrey already, umm, what's the term? Oh yeah, screw you!" 

Martin backs off, grinning at us, like stay away from me, but says, "See, you already support each other, and it's only been like a few minutes since you met! I even checked your zodiacs, you match!"

"You are next-level creepy!" I say. "So because I'm a Libra and she's a-" "Aries" He interjects. "Don't interrupt me Martin! Anyway, I'm a Libra, Aubrey's an Aries, and because of that, we're suddenly a couple?!"

Aubrey nudges my shoulder gently, and I suddenly get it; we're trying to annoy Martin, not trying to make him feel bad. 

I know for a fact that Martin hates fidgeting and cannot stand hyperactivity other than from him, so I start tapping the drum part for Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin. 

"Wait.... are you guys doing this only to annoy me?" He asks, looking confused. Aubrey and I answer simultaneously, "YES!"

Ah. Awkward.

Then a teacher that looks 30 but has blonde hair to rival Donald Trump's shouts(A/N: SORRY :'( but that's what it actually looks like) "Hey! Class in five minutes, don't be late!"

"Yes, Mr. Wilson!" Martin shouts. I ask who that is, and as we head in the general direction of Mr. Wilson, he says "That's our homeroom teacher. He's a nice guy, 'cept for his hair; it's ghastly."

I silently agree, and Aubrey looks around. Then she trips on her laces, which were open, and falls forward. I don't have time to react, so I grab her shoulder and right her before she falls and hurts herself.

"Again, Alex? How are you so fast with reflexes?! That's really cool! I owe you two now." She says, taken aback. "Nah, the first time was my fault." I glance at Martin, inaudibly having a debate on whether I should tell her. He flicks his head a slight bit, and I take that as a nod.

"Sensitive subject, Aubrey. And because there's no easier way to put this, I'm telling you blatantly, but please, please, don't tell anyone else." She nods in agreement, and says, "I promise."

Then she holds out her pinky, and I touch her hand for the first time. Pinky to pinky. And sparks fly. I let go quickly, and suck up the courage that I need to say what I want to say.

"I'm gonna die in 12 months, Aubrey, because I have a brain problem that increases my reflexes and coordination at the cost of my life's duration," I say, in a choked voice, because I still haven't completely gotten over that.

Aubrey gasps then looks at Martin, who confirms that I'm not lying, and does something completely unexpected. She hugs me. The sparks that flew just a minute ago are nothing compared to right now, it feels electric.

I don't know what to do, so I hug her back. The worries I have just dissipate. She has an amazing effect on me, everything about her just puts me at ease. Neither of us pull away from the hug, so Martin is left standing awkwardly with his mouth gaping and rummaging for his phone in his pockets. 

She breaks the hug and looks at me sadly, but says, "Well, a year is a lot, and my dad knows a brain surgeon, I can help you get better."

"Thank you, Aubrey. You're awesome, you know."

"I may have heard that a few times, from somewhere." Damn, she's flippant. In a good way, though.

I just hope that maybe I have a new best friend!

-----At the end of the day-----

It's raining. And I have a bike, but Aubrey and Martin, they walk. So I offer them a ride in the Civic, and drop Martin, his house is closest. The skate park's actually on the way to school, it'll make for some interesting rides back, if I get my BMX.

Now it's Aubrey and I, alone in the car. There's an awkward silence, followed by me asking her where she lives. "Turn right at the end of the lane, then a left, then we've reached my place" is the answer I get.

Aubrey gets out, says thanks and waves goodbye as I leave the driveway of her parents' house. 

There ya go. Sorry for late updates. Do you guys smell a budding romance between the two, or are Alex's feelings one-sided? I hope not, he's already broken.

I may not be updating for a while, but I'll do my best. BYE!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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