A Year

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Alex's POV:


I wonder why Mommy's driving us to the hospital and not Daddy. He is the best driver in the world! But he's sleeping right now. Maybe he had too much work last night. Daddy works wayyy too much. He never ever plays with me. I hold Mommy's hand and go to wake Daddy up, but Mommy pulls me back. My arm hurts so bad, I wanna cry. But I'm a big boy, and big boys don't cry. "Why did you pull me back, Mommy? I just want to wake up Daddy, we've reached!"

"Honey, Daddy's ill, we need to run and call them here with a stretcher." I'm crying. Stop crying, crybaby! I scream in my head. Only little sissies cry. "What happened to Daddy?" "I think his head got hurt, Alex, dear. Now stay here with your father, I'll bring somebody." I crawl over to Daddy and start hugging him, praying that he wakes up. I don't like it when Mommy and Daddy get hurt. They're the best!

15 minutes later: 

Mommy is having a talk with the weird man in the white suit. I hold her hand. "Nothing to worry about, Mrs. Hart. It's just minor brain trauma, he must have got it from his parents. It can be passed down through genes."

"So does Alex have this-this minor brain trauma disorder?" Mommy asks. I don't understand anything. But they are old. Old people usually talk about boring stuff like taxes and work and stuff. "Only a 5% chance that he does, ma'am." Mommy's crying. I tell her, "Don't cry. Who's scaring you? Is it the weird man you're talking to or that woman over there?" I'm looking at a woman with too much make-up. She's behind a white desk. It looks so ugly. She looks so ugly.

"Oh, Alex. I'll drop you at Chris's house for a sleepover, because you've been a very good boy." Mom tells me. YAY! Finally! I don't want to stay here in this building. It's like school, ugly and weird. She kisses me on my forehead. Yucky. I wipe it off, and she smiles at me. 

I really really love my whole entire awesome family.

-----------------------------END OF FLASHBACK----------------------------

Uggh. My head hurts. Where am I?

I look up. There's a light flashing down on me. I hear Mom talking. Why is she so worried? Wait. How do I know that? I can't even hear her. And the doctor next to her seems kinda annoyed. Thoughts flash through my head. I hear tapping from my left side. Whoever's tapping it is, it sounds like a real drumset. I look left. My fingers are moving in perfect synchronisation to the beat.


"He's up!" I hear someone shout. Mom rushes over to me, she looks really scared. She's obviously been crying because there are tear marks all the way down her face. "Sweetie, are you okay?" I reply with, "My head hurts, and I'm kind of dizzy." Suddenly, I realize that I'm in a hospital bed with a bandage on my scalp and a huge machine right in front of me.

"We are going to put you in this CAT scanner, Alex. You fell down the stairs and hit your head hard. I think you have a concussion, but brain trauma is a disorder that runs in the paternal side of your family. I just want to be sure that it's not that." The doctor says. Wait. The man in the corner. Is that Dad?  I want to go over to him and stop him from blaming himself. Again. How do I know that he's blaming himself? 

This is officially creepy now.

I'm getting pushed into the CAT scanner. The technician's telling me to lie flat and not move. He's given me something to eat, and now I really need to urinate. The guy's bored out of his mind. Stop analysing people, Alex. I think he's saying something but I'm blurry-eyed and lights are flashing all around me. They've probably sedated me.

Before I know it, the CAT scan is over and they're taking me out. "Mom, what do you mean by brain trauma?" She purses her lips and answers, "I'm not sure, honey, but Dad knows. He had the same problem growing up." One guy goes outside to analyse the results.

I try asking the technicians if I can go over to Dad, but they say, "No, kid. You're still fragile, you can't walk and we have a bunch of tests to see if your motor skills are okay. Stand up, and lean on me if you need to." I have no idea what they meant by fragile. I'm practically wiggling my pinky toes and they want me to take a motor skills test? Almost no one can do that, brain injury or not. 

I take a step, and nearly fall down. My leg is killing me! I look down and see a cast. Then mentally facepalm. I'm an idiot. I hobble over to the place that the technicians are, with the surgeon's help.

First they make me drum a beat, which I can do, then a more complex one. I do that too. I'm thinking, I'm definitely not hurt in the head, I can do everything they want me to. Weirdly, the technicians brings over a laptop that looks like mine, and asks me to put in the password, which is...

I'm not going to tell you that. You actually thought I would? 

Anyway, he opens up Word and says "Type: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. It will be the final test." That's easy. My typing speed is super fast, and it's done just after he finishes his sentence.

The guy who went outside to look at the results goes over to Dad and beckons at Mom to come over there. He looks upset. I'm getting worried now, but Dad; he's flipping out. And Mom's crying.

All three of them come over to me and the man says, "Son, I'm sorry. The sedating medicine we gave you was way too much. I think you have what your dad had. A lot more serious though."

I break down. NOOOOOOOOO!! Why me?! I'm only 16! A lot of things go through my mind, but my tears are interrupted with "Pray, son. Pray to the Lord Almighty and make as many wishes as you can. You have a year, if you're lucky."


Huge cliffhanger, yet again. And 75 reads. You guys are amazing. Thank you all so much. The people who PMSed me told me that it was way too slow, so #MajorPlotTwist. I kinda feel for Alex though, knowing that you have a year or less to live cannot be fun. I do really dislike the guy who told Alex he was going to die. So.. unsophisticated.

Anyway, ILY guys, and check out the co-author me and OceanGrapher are doing.. here!

Co-author: https://www.wattpad.com/333012599-it-all-started-with-a-flashback-prologue

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