Fighting Hard

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Grayson's POV:

Alex's passed out in the bathroom, and I'm screaming into 911, but no one's responding. I hear nothing but my own voice, slightly husky from all the strain. I pull my iPhone away, and I realise that I hadn't pressed the call button. Grayson, you utter idiot.

Then I realise that if I call 911, they'll think that Alex attempted suicide, and he'll face charges. I can't do that to my bro, no one will forgive me. He'll spend his last year of life in jail. Not the best way to finish things off, if you know what I mean..

I run upstairs, and look in my dad's cupboard for an old towel that he never uses. I rush back down the stairs and open the medical cabinet, empty a bottle of Savlon on that towel, grab some gauze and get into the bathroom. Then I tie the towel around Alex's wrist, while simultaneously screaming for Ethan. He's on the phone, I can already tell.

"Ethan! Get your f***ing behind over here! Alex's bleeding! RUN!"

The response is "Wait, I'll be there in a minute."

I waste no energies bothering about Eth, and focus on slowing the bleeding. Alex groans, but he slowly slides back into consciousness. The blood is still seeping out of his hand, so in desperation, I compress his artery. Reducing blood flow to the arm will reduce blood loss from the arm, right?

No way! That worked! (So reading books in my free time does help, you know, Ethan? Probs saved Alex's hide with that trick. One point for Grayson!)

I still have the gauze in my hand, so I cover the cut with that, and slowly wipe away the blood. The cut's not so bad, but he'll need stitches, and his hand might not be of much use for a while. Thank god it was his left one, though, if it was his right, the artery trick probably wouldn't have hurt.

"Grayson..." Alex mumbles. Holy crap! How is he still not in shock? Way to stay in shape, Alex. And Ethan's here now. "Where were you, you bastard? I hope your phone call was worth it." Ethan replies with "Umm.. don't you think we should call an ambulance?"

"Little late for that, don't you think?" My sarcasm is on point today. Then again, I specialize on sarcasm at the wrong time. I'm pretty sure that's what happened here. Then Alex groans again, distracting me. He's probably depressed. Knowing that you're gonna die cannot be good for your emotions. Either that or hormonal imbalance hit him hard. Probably the former, though.

I look up, Ethan's pale, but he kneels down, asks me to remove the gauze, and taking a piece of it, starts wiping the blood away, looking for the cut. "Just making sure that there's no debris lodged in there." "You got everything here?" I ask. He retorts, "What do you think? Now go and call Mom and Mrs. Hart. They'll know what to do."

Mom's on speed dial, and she's probably with Alex's mom. They're pretty much BFFs now, and because my dad and Alex's are always traveling, they're really close. So when I call, this is how it goes:

Me: Mom, tell Mrs. Hart to come to our house. You, too. Alex's bleeding on the floor, me and Eth are handling it, but you need to get over here FAST.
Mom: *Gasp* Okay, I'll floor it. We're at Starbucks.


When I re-enter the bathroom, Alex is up. He's propped up against the wall, and he looks like he's crying. Oh, no. I have never seen him cry, ever, in the time we've known each other.

Alex's POV:

No! I lived. That's the last thing I think before I fall unconscious.

--------[10 minutes later]-----------

I try to get up. I feel nothing. I feel... empty. I should be hurting, but I'm enjoying the pain. I deserve it. Sadistic much? After my third unsuccessful try, I notice Ethan and Grayson working and arguing over my arm. They're angry at me, themselves and at the same time, worried. How I hate my powers.

Then the wave of pain hits. It feels like my arm's throbbing, intensely, with waves of sharp and dull pain, alternating. It's torturous, and I'm thinking to myself, Why would you hurt yourself like this? I just wallow in pain and misery, and I don't know much about time, I lost all concept of it after the pain hit. All I know is my heart pounding hard, my arm feeling cold yet warm at the same time, and Grayson trying to talk.

"Alex. Alex. ALEX!" I jump, hearing only the last Alex. "Why would you do this to yourself?!" He screams. Both him and Ethan look pissed. "You need to realize that sinking into depression on your last year on this world is not a good idea. Be happy for the rest of your life, don't waste it on trying to hurt yourself. Only cowards do that, and I'm pretty sure you're not one."

Grayson's words shock me. He's always laid-back, forgetful and forgiving. This is a new side of him, and it's kinda scary. But I do see the sense in his words. But that doesn't convince me. Part of me is hoping that Grayson has a trump card that he can play. Depression is like a valley of anguish where there is never any light, and the road towards happiness is a steep uphill trek, almost impossible.

"But if I have a year to live, why should I bother trying to stay happy? It'll hurt everyone who I've made ties with. And I don't want to do that." I look down, and a tear escapes my eye. I just can't stand the pain of everything; the pitying eyes people who know my plight look at me with, the fact that I know when and how I'm going to die.

"Don't let the knowledge that you're going to die spoil your life. Before we moved here, Gray and I had two awesome best friends, with which the best time of our friendship was when we were going to move here. The last days with someone are usually the sweetest." Ethan jumps in.

God, they sound like life gurus, it's making me crack up. They look at me like I'm crazy, then they start laughing too.

I think that the "impossible uphill trek" is not so hard after all. For the first time in days, I'm not depressed.

That heavy, smothering blanket of mental torture has been lifted off Alex Hart, and he's back.


Cliché, cringe-worthy and super optimistic. Yup, that's me.

Warning: huge advancement next chapter. Stay tuned for more updates, and please vote. I like it when people vote. I really like it when people comment. I go nuts when people vote and comment.


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