Chapter 12 - Resonance

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Chapter Twelve


“I really like her,” Mark said. “Why did you have to ruin this for me? Are you happy now?”

No, she wasn’t. She was the farthest away from happy she could possibly be.

“Oh, boohoo. You should’ve thought of that before you treated her like crap!” She heard Aaron say. “It takes a lot of nerve for you to try and make this her fault. Don’t listen to him, sis.”

Too late. When she looked at Aaron, she could tell by his face that he saw it too. She did feel guilty. Seeing Mark devastated like that wasn’t fun, it was torture to her.

“Oh, come on, Sophie,” Aaron pleaded her. It was like he could see the wheels of self-hatred working on her brain.

“I think I need to go… somewhere,” she mumbled.

“What about hell?” Mark spit.

As if on cue, the school bell rang. Sophie took it as an opportunity to get inside without having to answer any questions. She let Aaron know that she’d see him at home later and quickly ran back inside. She wasn’t intending on going to class though, she had way too much going on in her mind.

Sophie practically ran towards the closest girl’s bathroom, closed herself into one of its less than clean cubicles and let herself slide down its wall to the ground. She felt horrible. She was hurt by what Mark said but she also felt like a pretty horrible person. Hugging her knees with her arms and resting her head in them, she felt the world collapse around her. She needed a friend more than ever, someone who would tell her the honest truth about her mistakes. Aaron would insist that Mark was the only one to blame, but he had a hard time being impartial. Should she call Charlotte? But she quickly put that thought aside, Charlotte would more than likely be in class, she never skipped classes. Besides, what right had she of asking her to help? After treating the way she did...

Sophie felt tears threatening to fall. There was one person she wished to hear more than anyone else. He would probably tell her to get lost and she deserved that, but the need to hear his voice spoke higher than her dignity.

Shaking a little from the nerves and the fear of rejection, she dialed his number and waited. The voice who took the call wasn’t Adrian’s though. It was a guy’s voice, but definitely not Adrian’s, she would recognize his voice anywhere. It was tougher, rougher.

“Hey there, this is Chad speaking. Adrian is busy right now. Who is calling?”

Sophie debated if she should just hang up. She ultimately decided against it. “It’s… It’s Sophie. Is Adrian there?”

“Oh, so you’re the famous Sophie,” he said with a sudden tone of realization. “Adrian’s right, you do sound hot.”

She didn’t really know what to say to that, if she hadn’t been in the situation she was in, she probably would’ve felt it was funny and happy that Adrian had said such a thing. She could only manage to repeat the question though, “Is Adrian there? Can I please talk to him?” She could feel her voice trembling, but tried to disguise it.

Please, let him be there. Please!

She could not remember a time when she needed someone so much.

“Sorry, but I don’t think so,” was Chad’s answer.

“Oh.” It was getting harder to breathe. “Can you tell me when he’ll be able to-“

“I don’t think you understand,” Chad interrupted, “Adrian doesn’t want to talk to you. When the cell rang, he looked at it and threw it away. I only picked it up to tell you that we really don’t need you messing around with his head anymore. So please, would you stop calling?”

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