Chapter 10 (Adrian's POV) - Murphy's Law

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Chapter Ten (Adrian’s POV)

Murphy’s Law

The sound of the referee’s whistle echoed inside the basketball field, announcing the end of the game. Adrian frowned and stopped running. He closed his eyes, while his hands massaged his head – he had sucked. Again! Couldn’t complete a pass, couldn’t score, couldn’t keep up with anyone, could never be at the right place at the right time. He totally, undeniably, sucked. It was bad. It was really bad. He took a deep breath and kicked the floor, much like a frustrated child, trying to avoid his teammates’ faces, not wanting to see their looks of pity and disappointment and not even wanting to acknowledge the people on the stands.

Good God, when had he become such a loser?

“Alright guys.” Coach refused to even look at them straight, it was like starring at his team was painful to him. “I think I speak for all of us when I say that this was a disaster, chaotic, shameful, pathetic, sad, disgusting, offensive, a complete and utter failure, a waste of time, miserable, shockingly bad! Keep it up if you want to join the big, fat, stinking pile of losers out there.” He took a deep breath and continued, “Number Seven, pull your ass together or you’ll be sitting on the bench next game.” Adrian tried to ignore the sinking feeling of his total embarrassment. “I expect better. From all of you! Dismissed.”

As all of the team sighed and slowly went back to their locker room, facing the ground and lacking their usual energy and jokes, Adrian was more than ready to follow them and take the lead in their walk of shame and depression. Usually, he would’ve been their biggest cheerleader, but today, he felt it impossible to cheer himself up, much less the others. Not to mention that, being the main responsible for their unimpressive performance, he would most likely be labeled a huge ass if he tried.

Before he could join them though, a strong hold on his shoulder prevented him from walking further. Looking around, he saw Marshall, in full captain mode by the stern look in his eyes. “Adrian, I need to have a word with you.”

He sighed and nodded. Marshall looked amazingly pissed off. He probably deserved it. His captain waved to someone in the distance and Adrian quickly realized that he was gesturing for Chad to go on ahead – apparently, Chad had lingered too, waiting on him. He was a good friend, even if he quickly complied with Marshall’s silent request. Adrian found himself mentally wishing Chad had more cojones – he really didn’t feel like having the conversation he knew was coming.

Adrian decided to get it all over with. “Listen, Marshall, I know what you’re about to say and you’re right. I have to put my head back in the game. For the team.”

“Dude,” Marshall started, his arms opening wide and seemingly struggling to find the words. He sighed and looked down, shaking his head. Adrian couldn’t help but feel like a douche. “It’s not just for the team, it’s for yourself, too. C’mon, man... Where do you plan on going with this?”

“I can’t help it, Marshall. I just… I can’t concentrate-“

“It’s because of that chick, isn’t it? The phone girl.”

At the lack of a response, Marshall decided to take the silence as an obvious ‘yes’.

“Adrian, this is getting ridiculous, man. You can’t let her run the show! I’d never thought I’d see the day when you’d let some girl turn you into this moping mess.”

“I know…”

“You’re letting yourself down, you’re letting me down, not to mention the team-“

“I know!”

“Then do something about it!” Marshall’s tone was rising. “This is not normal and it’s not acceptable!”

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