Chapter 13 - The Sound of His Voice

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Chapter Thirteen

The Sound of His Voice

“Why do I have to go?” Sophie moaned as she threw herself into Charlotte’s bed. “I don’t feel like it. I just want to curl up into fetal position and feel sorry for myself.”

“Stop the drama. You’re going because it will be fun, unlike that little plan of yours,” the red haired answered as she applied make up on herself. She was wearing a beautiful but pretty casual dress that almost reached her knees, her hair in a classic ponytail. “Besides, it’s your brother’s concert.”

“He has them all the time, why do we have to go to this one?”

“Because it will be fun and it will take your mind off of your self-induced misery.” She finished with a touch of her perfume and admired the results: confident, beautiful, discreet and classy, just like she was. Then she turned to her sulking friend who was face down on her bed. “We are going to JazzBell and we’re going to have a good time. End of discussion!”

“But we have classes tomorrow-“

“Like that ever stopped you from going out before. We’ll come back early.”

“And I don’t really feel like going-“

“You know what? I’m not having this conversation with you anymore,” Charlotte said in a final tone. “Now let’s go to your house, we have to get you ready.”

Sophie mumbled something against the pillows and Charlotte, not understanding a word, shrugged it off and turned to the door.

“I said: I don’t want to dress up. I’m going just like this,” Sophie repeated without her face stamped in a pillow this time.

Charlotte looked at her with a reproving stare. Sophie was wearing her oldest pair of jeans that were already all washed out, dirty sneakers and a large sweatshirt with a hoodie starring Snoopy on it that said Coolest Dog in the World. Her hair was tied in the messiest bun she’d ever seen.

There was no way she would ever let her even try to go to the circus like that, much less a concert, she’d seen her looking better in a pajama. The red haired decided it was better to just ignore her friend’s whining and left the room anyway. “I’m waiting for you in the car. Hurry up, J.J. said she’d go by your house in a few minutes, she’s coming with us.”

“Why?” Sophie kept whining dramatically.

In a matter of minutes, both girls were finally inside Charlotte’s borrowed car and driving towards Sophie’s home. It took them minutes to get to the car because Sophie was kind of dragging herself, like a spoiled kid making a fit.

“What’s wrong with you?” Charlotte had asked as she pushed Sophie into the vehicle. “We’re going to a bar to chill out, not to a slaughterhouse! It isn’t that terrible.”

Once inside, the ride was mostly silent, with Charlotte humming a few of the songs that played on the radio and Sophie moping next to the window.

“Why hasn’t he said anything?” Sophie suddenly whispered after an agonized sigh. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

Charlotte remained silent and Sophie continued, “Yesterday things seemed to be going so perfectly… But after our talk in the bathroom, he barely even said anything anymore. He sent me a few text messages but that’s all. I don’t get it. He seemed as excited as I was. Did I do something wrong?”

“Of course you didn’t.”

“Then why is he being so distant?”

“He’s probably just really busy with something.”

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