Chapter one- the countdown begins

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Dear (diary).......
Today is August 1 2016. Does that ring a bell? I just hope it does because if it doesn't ring a bell to your ears you're dead. Like really dead I'm going to tear you off and after that I'll burn you and dispose your ashes.

So be warned! Well in case you forgot today is August 1 2016. Which means it is 25 days to go.
Yay! Can't wait.
We gon' have the littest 18th party ever. I'm gonna be like the Nigerian Kylie (just forget I actually said that because my parents are not as rich).

As you know I have a lot of planning and buying to do so I'm gonna put a full stop here. See you lerra! Oh! Before I go I'm going on a date today with this cute and hot new guy I just met. I dunno if it's a date or just a meet up to him but to me... It's s date! And let's call it the very first date.Toddles!

I just can't believe I'll be 18 in 25 days. I don't want to grow old but at the same time I want to be 18. I want to be an adult. I want to be able to stand up for my rights.

I want to be able to say "daddy bana son school.ina so in fara business ne- Daddy I don't like school. I want to start a business" I want to be able to say stuff like that to my parents."Daddy I want an apartment of my own since I'm already 18" hehe just kidding on that one because I know I'll be so dead if I say that one. My parents gon' be like "kin ajiye kudin ne koh?- you have the money right?" Or "sannu kin manta kina Nigeria ne koh?- you've forgotten you're in Nigeria right?".

If I say that, it'll just cause trouble for me because my dear dearest parents will look at me in a different way. I'll be the inconsiderate and ungrateful and unrealistic daughter. Well it's true I'm unrealistic- sorta. But I pretend to be realistic. How cool is that (flips hair).  Which reminds me- how will I flip my hair when it is as short as my thumb. Well unless flip has got another meaning.

Alright alright. Enough blabbing. I should get going.  See you after my date with the cute and hot new guy who is going to be my future boyfriend. (Yeah. I can sight the future) Argh! Forget I even called it a date. Okay bye.

Later in the evening.

9 pretty p.m

Dear diary.....

Well well. I'm back and guess what? I feel awesome. Turns out cute and hot new boy is fun. Well I predicted it didn't I? Wanna know all about my date (he called it a meet up).
Well I'll tell you how it started and ended.

He said we should meet in retro 50's. That fancy American diner in this Abuja. God! You know until today I'd never been there before so I was super excited when he said we should meet there. At least I got a chance to go there and sit with this hot dude and make everyone think we're on a date.

Speaking of which why would he make a reservation for two at retro 50's and choose to take me if he doesn't want to take our friendship to the other level? You know what I mean.  Well he answered my question because he wants to see me again. YAY! I scored a goal. You know it's not easy to have a hot guy who wants to be your friend and meet up with you not once but twice and if possible become your future boyfriend hopes... Dreams... Imaginations.... I hate you!

Back to the gist. When I got there I had to go to the manager and tell him I have a reservation under the name of... He didn't even let me continue. He just cut me and said "you must be Hauwa Ahmed" I nodded then he said "this way"
Woahhh! That place is only God knows the word that fits it. As in for real I thought I was in Washington DC. The wallpapers and everything just looked Americanised. I didn't want to look like the village girl I am so I stylishly stole a glance or two at every single thing I saw. I wanted to take selfies with every background and every single object I saw there but self respect mehn. I was so busy looking and drooling at the American themed diner that I didn't notice we were already in the reservations area. My God the area was just so.... ban sani ba-i dunno.

I quickly composed myself when I noticed a dark figure staring at me. I immediately knew it was him. Why did they have to dim the lights anyway ?  I told the manager thank you as he pointed to the table where the staring figure was sitting. I started walking to the table when all of a sudden I tripped on something and was about to fall. I'm thankful I didn't fall though because it would've been disgraceful. There's a reason why I didn't fall -I felt two strong arms hold my back and it all happened so fast that I don't know when I rested my arms on the persons shoulders. Ooh! He works out. Did I mention I didn't find guys who work out sexy until now? Well if I didn't I'm mentioning it now. Like the Indians we were in that position for God knows how long and I admit I kinda liked it!

It started getting awkward so I cleared my throat removed my arms from his shoulders and introduced myself. "I'm Hauwa Ahmed and you must be.................."

Hey guys. First chapter. Hope you like it.

Well your gurl writing this rubbish here has never been to retro 50's but I hear it's really cool. And I hope to there.  One day. With my future boyfriend. Hope he comes soon so I'll go to retro 50's. It's cool for a date.

The underlined statements are in my native language hausa and I've translated them.Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria in case you're wondering.

Bye for now. See you on the 2nd of August 2016. And can you believe Hauwa fell asleep while writing about her date? The poor diary. We didn't even get to know this hot dude's name.😞. But there's only one way to find out!
Come with me to August 2 2016
See you there. And don't forget to come in your sweatshirts and jeans with flip flops Because we're going to stay home............ All day.

Now do me a favour guys and bring a smile to my cute face


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I love you❣❣

Lipsdripping 👄👄

Someone tell my lips to stop dripping!

Angry reader: get out! You idiot

Me: okay okay. I love you too. Toodles!

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