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So finally!! Countdown to my 18th birthday has come to an end. I'm having mixed feelings right now- don't know if I'm happy about it or sad. Anyways did I hear you say YOU WANT AFTER 18?? That's right! Countdown to my 18th birthday has its part two: AFTER 18: MATURE AND INDEPENDENT which will In Sha Allah be launched very soon. Till then... You can add AFTER 18 to your library.

#stilloncountdown I'm really really really gonna miss countdown to my 18th birthday. Serious missing. I'm going to miss disturbing you Anty Hauwa(BAF) to get an inspiration for me or force her to listen to my stupid and sensible imaginations for countdown. But everything's not over. We still have After 18 which we've been planning for so long. Even before countdown to my 18th birthday went far. When I was writing countdown at first I has so many ideas and imaginations. I felt "it won't be hard to finish this book oh" but I felt wrong because it got to a point where my brain became super empty. Then I felt "why did I even start writing this thing". But In Shaa Allah we saw the end. Alhamdulillah

#stilloncountdown I want to say thank you to some people who without their inspirations and ideas and support and cooperation consciously and unconsciously some parts of COUNTDOWN TO MY 18TH BIRTHDAY  wouldn't have been possible; Hauwa (BAF), Rukahh, AbdulSamad, Meena, Zuwee, Sa'ada, Hafsat(my runaway editor. I'm still setting you😒), Khadijah, my phone (without you how will I type??), mtn(even though you people have been eating my money. Ole!). Thank you all so much. Shoutout to my other besties Mus Mus and Rekia
I also want to say thank you to all my readers and voters and commenters and sharers and the people who messaged me in private telling me how much they like my book. Thank you💕💕
Also to my instafam. Thank you for liking that post and coming all the way here to support my book. If you did please please give me a feedback🙏🏽 it'd mean a lot. I don't personally know some of you but Thank you so much ❣

I want to clear a misconception- this story isn't about me. My only connection with it is... I'm the writer and yes my 18th birthday inspired it. I'm not Hauwa. And Hauwa is not me! Nothing that has ever happened to Hauwa has happened to me- that is apart from the fact that she turned 18.

And about the names I used.... I randomly chose them

I want to give a shoutout to my most active readers and commenters phareeydah_ hawieb1004 ummulkhairy  thank you guys so much💕 really. Your comments are what kept me going. I'm going to miss them. Hoping to see y'all in After 18😬
faaiza_abbkr  you came late but still 😘
khadijarh ❤️
zaynaabjadah ❤️

And to those of you who have been silently setting me because of my annoying nature and grammatical errors... I'm sorry and Thank you for still staying with me till the end ❣

Finally!!! I typed this thing a long long long time ago. And my body has been shacking me.

Finally closing this book.

😘😘 (only Faaiza and Amanii 😘 will understand)

No! I didn't update anything.  I was just reading this part and I realised that  I put 'become' instead of 'became' and nobori told me 👀  what is life😩❤️😘
Bye again!

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