Chapter 16- 2 days to go

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You know I haven't had this much fun in a long time"

"Well lucky you, you've got me now"

"Yeah. I got Lipsdripping 👄"

"You garrit babe. When you're with me there's never a dull moment"
And with that we head home. I mean she heads to her father's house and I head to my father's house on in a taxi.

August 24 2016
Hey guys!

So I know y'all where expecting Hauwa but I'm sorry. There won't be Hauwa today. I decided to take the POV today since Hauwa has had it since the beginning of August 🙄. As her official new bestie (I gave myself that title lol) I've decided to take the spotlight today. A day without the spotlight won't kill our Hauwa right? Right! And it's not like we're not going to talk about her all day. It's like she doesn't have the spotlight and she has the spotlight... you understand that typa thing. Besides I know everything about Hauwa- her past, her present, her future, her nearest future, her farther future, her future future. I know everything from A-Z so she should be happy I even offered to take the spotlight. Not that I'm a witch or anything. I think it's talent. So lemme keep quiet and stop praising myself and help Hauwa tell you guys what she has been up to and what has been going on in her life, what decision has she taken (I mean the hookup thing. I just love playing matchmaker).

So Hauwa (Maijiddatu) I'm going to call her that just because and remember one thing... only I have the right to call her that. No one else ❣ I don't share pet names. I think we are clear on that.

Now back to business. So Maijiddatu called me the day before yesterday (actually I called her but it feels so nice to feel important) to tell me that she had made a decision. I expected her to say I should go ahead with my hooking up thingy but she instead said she was calling off her birthday party. I repeat.. Hauwa has called the party off. I know we're all disappointed. Believe me I am more disappointed than any of you because I was the person she told. You should've seen me when she told me. Aswear I was HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER 🔨
As in I never ever in my beautiful life saw that coming. I mean Hauwa Ahmed calling her party off??!! Was she crazy or something when she started counting down? What are her reasons?? Lemme just tell you our conversation

"What do you mean you're calling it off? After all the countdown? I thought your 18th birthday was what this August was all about"

"What do I tell you? I'm having mixed feelings. The thought of it doesn't excite me anymore. So I know that even if I celebrate it I won't even enjoy it and somehow somehow it will be a flop"

"Nawao is it me or are you trying to pretend to be emotional right now?"

"Mtsw. And you know about the bet with my friends. If I spend money on my birthday where will I later get 15k to give them now that I'm very sure I lost the bet. There's no chance of reconciliation before or by tomorrow. I do everything with calculation you know"

"Calculation my foot. I'm sure you got the best math student award"

"Yeah... when I was dreaming"

"Hauwa Muhammed Ahmed!"

"How did you know that there's a Muhammed in my name?"

"Ohhhh Muhhh Gawwwwd. Didn't I tell you??"


"That I know you like I know my mother is my father's wife"

"Girl.. that was lame"

"Come up with something not so lame then. And I don't know this negative Hauwa. Who told you you can't change the sitch before or by tomorrow?"

"Please. This is my life not a movie or novel (a/n Hauwa kenan)"

"Who is this and what have you done to Aminu's Hauwa?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Oh so you hate him now? Why are you so negative?"

"Yes I hate him. So what?"

"Well in that case... lemme tell you what I saw"

"What do you mean?"

"The other day..... I saw your former Aminu with a girl in retro 50s and it looked like they was on a DATE" I had to stress the date. Understand me. I'm low-key on #AmWa

"Wait what?? You mean our retro 50s? How could he?? That's our historical place"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Are you asking me?? My boyfriend went on a date with another girl. And to make things worse he took her to Retro 50s. Our very own retro 50s"

"Hahah. Gotcha! You don't hate him"

"Duhh. I hate him"

"No you don't. Now bye! I have a mission to accomplish"

Now y'all must be wondering what mission. Well.... I called Mufeeda and Hafsat and Zuwee to carry on with our plan. Yeah right! I met Zuwee, Mufeeda and Hafsat before I met Hauwa. Now for the plan..... Mufeeda and the rest made that bet with Hauwa to ginger her so that she will talk to Aminu then Aminu will disappoint her (yes we talked to Aminu. He was a bit reluctant but... he just had to agree. Go girl power!) so that they will reconcile on her birthday then it will be so sweet and romantic and yeah... the best birthday ever!
Now enough of Hauwa. Let's go and sleep.
G'night. The POVwill now go back to its rightful owner

Finally!!! The second to the last chapter. Almost 18 year Hauwa is going to be saying bye 👋🏽 to us😭 by next week. In Shaa Allah.
But we shouldn't be all sad because Hauwa will show us what will happen in her life after she turns 18. Which is why I've been thinking of naming the part two AFTER 18.


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I have something for you guys in the next part. Hope you like it.
Then I'm thinking of doing a q and a sorta thingy since that's what everyone that has a YouTube channel doing (Not that I have a channel). So if you have any question for me.. you can't comment it in the comment 📦, or dm me or call me (if you have my number). Please ask me whatever. It doesn't have to be related to this book 📚 but don't ask for my address. I'm paranoid!

See ya!

Countdown to my 18th birthday  Where stories live. Discover now