Chapter 5- still 21 days to go

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This chapter is dedicated to saaadahhh  for telling me about love garden since I don't know any romantic place.  Love you baby girl 💝. AishaUmarYau thanks for the comments and votes.
PS. I didn't hang you


"And we're here" Aminu says opening the door for me. Wait when did he even get down? What is this place? And have I ever told you this boy is an idiot? Because he is. A big time idiot. I can't believe he brought me here. I so hate him right now.

I really I really really hate him. I hate him for not telling me he was bringing me to somewhere this beautiful. I hate him for not telling me the atmosphere of this place is so romantic so I could wear something nicer to go with the theme of this place. I hate him.

"Do you like it?" He says full of hope.

"Are you crazy?" He frowns. Haha "I love love love love love love love love this place!" I scream almost losing balance. I never knew he was this cheesy. Now it is confirmed. I will be his girlfriend by the end of today. And he will be my first boyfriend. It just has to happen else I'll go on exile (don't tell me you actually believed) "I can't believe you actually brought me to love garden. I've been wanting to come ever since Haiza told me she came here with some of her friends from school. I just can't believe I'm here!"

"I'm glad you like it. So do you want to go and see what the inside looks like or do you just want to stand here till the day ends"

"*rolls eyes* is that a question I'm supposed to answer?"

"So...." He says scratching his head not sure if he should say whatever he wants to say or not.
"I was wondering........"

"Really Aminu? You should see your face right now. You look like all the blood in your body has been sucked. You're being a sucker"

"Is that what I really look like?" He pouts

"Stop being such a drama queen. Are you seriously going to let this amazing place with a beautiful atmosphere go to waste?"


"Good. Take my phone then. I need to snap with everything here. C'mon I'm just training you. In case you want to go into photography someday"

Love garden is sooo muah! There's this thing that looks like the Paris eifel tower. Only difference here is that it was like built with grass. Hats off to art. Really. Never in my life had I thought I'll come to somewhere this....... romantic.

The trees, the fountains all love themed and heart shaped- well most of them. I really don't know how someone came out with such an amazing idea. Whoever that person is I hope to meet him someday. I need to tell him or her what an amazing place this is.

"Aminu! I don't even know what you're doing. Give me the phone. Let me see the ones you've been taking" he brings the phone like a child obeying his big sister "let's see. I like this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and.........."

"And I like you Hauwa. I know it's too soon and all. But I like you " I turn to look at him after he said that and my eyes met his eyes immediately. My God. Those eyes! I don't even know what to say with those eyes staring directly into mine. I think I just found a new weakness. I'm just telling you because I trust you. Don't tell Aminu please. 

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