Chapter 3- 22 days to go

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This chapter is dedicated to xuweeiy for telling me how hot macaroni is💥 and gerardraphael thank you so much for downloading wattpad. You love me and xuweeiy please continue writing Malikha💝💝

August 4 2016

Wake up everyday
Hello beautiful
This world is so crazy
And they can bring you down
You're too short
Too fat
Too skinny
Well excuse me if I think that I'm pretty
I don't care what you say
Cause I'm origi......

"Now don't tell me you don't even know how to knock" I say frowning at my annoying younger sister Faiza who just happened interrupt my Sophia moment. She didn't even let me complete that word

"Well I just came to tell you that you recived a box. But if you don't want to know then it's fine by me. I can just open it and take whatever is inside" she says smirking and flipping her hair. Her SHORT hair mind you

"Don't you dare! And what's your problem with me anyway"

"Do you really want to know?"

I nod positively

"My problem is Kina kare mun chance. Will you please stop? Thank you"

Seriously?? Did she just say that? It's not my fault I get everything first. After all I'm older. It's bound to happen that way Well whatever.  Now I wonder who sent me a box. And what kind of box exactly? I should dress up and go downstairs to check it out


Dear diary...
Can you believe it? Faiza just called me a chance blocker. What does that even mean? Don't mind me I know what it means. But it's not my fault our parents are fair and just right?

Okay back to business. If I told you Aminu sent a gift box today will you believe? You better believe because he did. And oh my gosh do you know what was inside it? My freaking favourite malteesers a note which read:
I know you'll think this is too soon. But I think you've become a special friend

Holy Macaroni! Aminu Rabiu thinking of me as a special friend? That's..... Just wonderful. You do know that he's all I'm looking for in a guy right? But what if he didn't mean that kind of special?

Come to think of it. I never even told you how I met him. Lemme just cut the long story short. I got a friend's new number and while trying to save it I might have mixed the numbers up. Well I didn't know so I saved it in her name. Then I decided to FaceTime her one afternoon. When she(he) picked I was was surprised. Then everything got cleared up and I told him I might have mixed up a someone's number. Then I apologised and he said it was okay. When I ended the call, something told me to call back and try to be friends but I just shrugged the thought off.

Two beautiful days later he facetimed me and claimed it was a mistake then he's like he's really bored so if I don't mind can we talk and like try to get to know each other? I agreed.
He was really cool and I liked talking to him. We didn't really talk about ourselves. We just talked about random stuff. Then one thing led to another and we started chatting on whatsapp. All of this happened in a week. Then he said we should meet up. Since then we've been talking to each other nonstop. And now this gift. Goddd!! I think have a crush on him. I'm admitting

Do you know that when I went to get the gift box Maama teased me and said I'm finally doing something useful with my life. I mean it's not like we're dating. YET. Add the yet. But it would be very nice ohh. To call him my first boyfriend. But.... Won't I seem easy? Stay there. Easy koh. When you die single that's when you'll know you're easy. Argh!! Just forget it. I'm going bonkers. Okay bye! I need to get something to eat.

My phone doesn't want to stop ringing. And I'm like in no mood to talk to anyone. Nothing is wrong with me. Just mood swings. This is the third time the phone is ringing. I better check who it is. And I'm rejecting the call you hear me?

Aminu FaceTime (yes I later changed the name from Aisha to Aminu FaceTime) I'm so picking this.

Forget what I said earlier about rejecting the call. You just can't reject some calls you know. But wait! I didn't even call him to say thank you. I'm so stupid. I wonder what I'll tell him now

Me: Hello..?

H: h..hey

Me: I got your gift. I was about to call you to say thank you. But you beat me. you know I was not about to call him right? Don't tell him sha

H: about that. Don't worry. Did you get the note?

Me: yeah..... I got it

H: so I was wondering... Would you like to hang out like today or anytime you're free?

Me: today... I don't know. Why don't we just meet tomorrow?

H: alright. I'll pick you by 2. Tomorrow

Me: see you then. Bye!

H: bye

Hhehehe. Tomorrow. Our first date. Lol. So excited and cannot wait. I'm so positive.

This ones a bit short. But here it is. I just want to use this opportunity to say happy birthday to me🎉. Yes it's my birthday! I wish me long life and prosperity and more ideas to use for this book and a trip to Paris with my future boyfriend and more reads and votes and comments on wattpad and............. I better stop here. My wish list is endless

November 26, 2016

Lipsdripping 👄👄

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