Chapter One

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Jerking awake in my bed, the scream of terror dying quickly in my throat as my gaze shoots around my bedroom, realising I am alone I try to calm my racing heart. Kicking off the covers I pace around my room, attempting to push the nightmare from my mind. The white fangs sinking into my skin over and over, the pain unbearable, purple eyes appear just as I wake up, every time. Throwing open my doors I step out onto the balcony, the cold air sweeps around my bare legs, the short silk nightie I am wearing posesno barrier against the night's chill, my eyes eat up the moonkissed landscape, the mountain range covered in snow, the lake glittering silver as the stars twinkle above. Resting my head on the cold wooden railings I centre myself, why is it that even after a year to the day I still remember the purple eyes of Byron. The cold seeps into my skin as I turn and walk back into my room, closing the doors behind me, the warmth already returning feeling to my fingers and toes. Slipping out of my room I pad silently down the corridor to Yasmin's room, slowly pushing open her door I see her sprawled across her bed, I smile at her, the adoption was finalised months ago so technically she is my daughter now. Who'd have thought it, I can be a virgin with a daughter. I laugh mentally at the thought before closing her door again and padding downstairs, the tiles of the kitchen floor cool against the soles of my feet.

Sitting at the table I lay my forehead on the wood, wondering if I have gone completely mad. I moved with Yasmin to the other side of the country, started fresh. So why does my mind and heart linger on the one person I was trying to escape from, the one person who kicked me out like I meant nothing to him, I sigh heavily before glancing up at looking at the clock, 4am, typical. Doubt I will be getting any more sleep tonight. To take my mind off of Byron I remind myself that I had promised to take Yasmin shopping for some clothes for school, in just a couple of weeks she is going into big school. Last month we celebrated her birthday with a holiday to America where we took in all the amazing sights, went shopping and spent far too much but my savings account covered it all nicely. Frowning I glance at the calender, oh damn, I have a gig tonight, I really need to get some sleep. Pushing away from the table I double check all the locks before heading back to my room, climbing into the big bed I curl under the covers and cant help but feel lonely in a bed this size. The stupid part of me wishes for someone to be here to cuddle up too, not just any someone, Byron. Shaking my head at my own stupidity, I thought my feelings for him would disappear not linger.

The next thing I am aware of is the doorbells shrill ringing, leaping out of bed I grab my robe as I race from my room and to the door, tying the robe as I reach the door I open it, sat on the welcome mat is a bouquet of flowers, glancing around I frown as I dont see anyone nearby. Bending down I pick up the flowers, bringing them inside before closing the door.

"Who are they from?" I jump as Yasmin's voice catches me off guard, I swear that Yasmin could be a ninja with the little noise she makes. I spin to face her, her head already shoulder level, her blonde hair pulled back in a plait, wearing her purple fluffy pyjamas.

"I dont know." Yasmin leaps forward, grabbing a small white envelope nestled in the flowers, I freeze as I notice the flowers properly, white tulips.

"To Lara, I am sorry. B" Yasmin reads out, looking up at me shocked as her intelligent mind works out the same conclusion mine has.

"Whats all the noise for?" Max's voice startles me, I had hired Max as a bodyguard for Yasmin a couple of months ago, already he feels like part of our little family, he lives with us which is how I can afford him. He trudges down the stairs, rubbing his eyes sleepily, he isnt a morning person at all.

"Byron?" Yasmin asks, ignoring Max's interuption. I storm into the kitchen, throwing the flowers onto the table, angrily. How dare he send flowers after all this time with that cryptic message. He is sorry. Sorry for what? Kicking me out? Hurting me? Invading my dreams? Stealing me heart?

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