Chapter Fourteen

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After a long while Lewis seemed to have accepted the bombshells we had dropped on him, he had asked to go outside to clear his head, his gaze on me before he left but I smiled encouragingly I hoped, that left me in the room alone with Alex.

"Are you okay Lara?" Alex asks sincerely, his hand gently holding mine, and it as if something breaks inside me, tears flood my face, Alex pulls me against his cool hard chest, my sobs wracking my body.

"I dont know ... what ... to ... believe anymore." I sob against Alex's chest between hiccups, his hand soothingly strokes my hair gently.

"You went through a traumatic experience, of course you dont know what to believe. From what Kurt told us, Walter really did a number on you, physically and mentally. The fact that you arent delirious or mad just says something about how strong you are. But Lara, Byron loves you, let him come and see you, let him speak to you."

"I dont know if I can ..." I sob, feeling lost.

"At least come back to the headquarters, so we know you will be safe. Violet, Yasmin and Max miss you so much. If you cant bare to trust me and Byron yet then that is fine, we understand. But im sure you want to see the others." I nod slightly, my mind hasnt been poisoned against the others and Yasmin must be beside herself with worry.

"Im coming with you." Lewis's voice startles me, I pull away from Alex, looking at Lewis, knowing I must look a complete state, my mouth opens and shuts, trying to find an answer.

"I assumed you would." I look at Alex shocked, my voice still refusing to work.

"You have more intelligence than I first thought. I will be back in about an hour." Alex nods his head and Lewis disappears after smiling at me warmly.

"What the hell?" I finally splutter causing Alex to laugh, hugging me.

"The human seems quite taken by you, he seems like a good honest man. And if we have him on our side then he can help us track the blackbloods and put them to rest, finally."

"Wont Byron try to kill him?" I ask, scared for Lewis, whether it was instinct or because of what Walter has twisted into my mind, I dont know.

"No, he wont. He wont do anything to hurt you, so the human will live. Byron isnt the monster you have been twisted to believe, hes a good guy. You loved him before."

"I still love him." The declaration came straight from my heart before my twisted brain could stop it.

"I know you do. Byron knows it wont be a walk in the park, you returning, but he wants to help you. He wants you to decide yourself what is real." I weakly smile at Alex, then I look down at my blood spattered hospital gown.

"Please tell me you bought me some clothes." Alex gasps and slaps his palm to his forehead.

"Darn, I knew there was something I had forgotten." I cant help but laugh, smiling wider when Alex lifts a small backpack from beside the bed, holding it up for me. I playfully smack his arm before grabbing the bag.


"Got it in one." I smile again, cautiously slipping from the bed, my legs like jelly and the tiles immediately send chills through the soles of my feet. Slowly I walk unsteadily to the bathroom, closing the door behind me but I force myself not to lock it, just incase I need help. Avoiding the mirror I strip and step into the shower, hot water hits my skin like needles, burning over small cuts and running uncomfortably over the array of bruises on my skin, the hospital shampoo and body wash have a slight lemon scent to them which stings my cuts more than I thought it would. Cutting the spray of water I wrap myself in a large white towel and pad slowly towards the mirror, it is steamed up from the hot water but as I run my hand over the cool glass my eyes connect with my reflection, and I hardly recognise the girl in the mirror, her skin is pale, deep circles surround her bright green eyes, bruises mar her skin, her lips cut slightly. Not able to look anymore I quickly change into the underwear, pair of joggers, t-shirt and large hoodie from the backpack. Breaking down I sit on the toilet seat, my head in my hands, the ache from my ribs are back, my mind feels shattered into tiny pieces.

"Lara? Can I come in?" I recognise Lewis's voice through the door, sniffling I quickly wipe my eyes with my sleeves.

"Sure." I curse mentally when my voice comes out shaky and weak despite my efforts to stay strong. The door opens slowly, Lewis stepping into the room, his gaze scanning the room until they connect with mine, the warmth and sorrow in his eyes has tears racing down my cheeks again. Instantly warm arms pull me up, holding me tightly against a warm figure, my hands fisting into his shirt, allowing him to hold me, feeling safe in his arms strangely. After a while I calm myself down, gently pushing from Lewis, he releases me slowly, I wipe my eyes, smiling shyly up at him.

"Sorry ... I got tears on your shirt." I half sob, half laugh. He chuckles, shrugging.

"Doesnt bother me. The blonde one, Alex? Said he will be driving us. Byron and Kurt have already left. You ready?"

"I think so." I try to hide my nervousness by smiling but judging by Lewis's expression he isnt convinced but he moves aside slightly so I can pass him, accidentally brushing my shoulder against him, he sucks in a breath and I cant help but laugh softly. Heading into the hospital room I spy Alex sitting on the edge of the bed looking completely out of place.

"Come on then you two. We will have to make a pit stop on the way, not much of the night left." I nod, as Alex stands up, holding out his hand for mine, after a few seconds I slide mine into his.

"I dont think my brain has fully comprehended what you are. Youre too normal." Lewis states as he follows us through the corridors, I keep my head down, my damp hair creating a curtain around my face, Lewis greets a few people but keeps walking with us, Alex just walks confidently, as if he owns the place. Soon the cool night air hits us as the automatic doors whoosh open, I breath in deep lungfuls of air, feeling a sense of freedom and I grasp that feeling with both hands, im not confined anymore. The night sky glitters with thousands of stars, the moon batheing the world in a silvery glow, the wind blowing from the north brings with it the smell of the forest, it comforts me as we walk towards Alex's car. We all climb in, Alex and Lewis sit at the front while I sit at the back, tempted to stick my head out of the window like a dog, everything seems new again, being trapped for so long makes you appreciate the little things. I hear Lewis and Alex talking but I am too fascinated by the world flying past us and the different smells, at some point I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I am aware of is the car stopping and the doors opening, jerking myself fully awake I climb out of the car, my neck aching from sleeping at a funny angle, I look up at the hotel, reaching towards the sky.

"We're staying here for the day?" I half ask, half realise. Alex entwines our hands, leading me into the hotel foyer and over to the young lady at the desk, whose eyes widen and cheeks redden when she sees Alex, turning into a glare and a pout when she sees out hands entwined, I cant help the smirk that curls my lips.

"Room with two doubles please." Her fake pink nails tap on the keyboard quickly, she frowns slightly looking up at Alex again.

"Im afraid they are all booked, I can book you two double rooms or the penthouse has 3 double rooms included."

"The penthouse it is." Alex announces before pulling a wad of notes from his jacket.

"For one night it is £2500." Now its my turn for my eyes to widen, that is a ridiculous amount of money for one night, especially since we will only be staying a day.

"Thats fine." Alex responds casually.

"But because its way before the check in time, you will have to pay for two nights, last night and tonight. Im sorry, its just the policy." The receptionist replies sheepishly.

"No problem." Alex replies calmly, handing her the money, she scurries about before handing him a set of key cards, a slip of paper slotted between them, her number more than likely.

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