Chapter Seven

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"Now ... now Lara. Thats not very polite of you. Kurt. Remove the man, take him to his team and explain." Alex's voice brushes over my skin, Kurt springs into movement, going over to Jon. I attempt to struggle again until Alex's hand releases my hair and curls around my neck instead, effectively cutting off my air with little effort from him. I watch helplessly as Kurt somehow lifts Jon's body and disappears back into the theatre, leaving me alone in the dark, cold alleyway with a powerful, annoyed vampire. Great.

"Get off of me Alex ..."

"Make me." As i start to struggle in earnest, i manage to somehow twist out of Alex's grip, probably intentionally on Alex's behalf, as i spin he catches my wrist easily, twisting it until i drop the gun as my other hand swings and collides with his cheek, my knuckles throb as it feels like i hit a brick wall and not his face. Stupid vampire. Swinging my hand again he catches my wrist tightly and before i can blink my back is slammed against the alley wall, Alex crowding my body, my head forced upwards so i can see his face. His blue eyes glittering with unknown emotions, his lips in a smirk as my breath comes out in little gasps, my heart racing, his knowing smile infuriates me since i know he can hear the effect he is having on my body and i hate it.

"I swear to gods Alex, get the fuck off of me." I hiss through my teeth, even as my body traitorously heats as his body presses tighter against mine, my back flat against the wall with his hard unmoving body infront, caging me entirely. I attempt to shrink back as Alex's head descends towards mine, the back of my head making contact with the wall painfully.

"Little Lara. Are you afraid?"

"Hell no. why would i be afraid of you. you wont do anything to me." My body betrays my strong words as i attempt to shrink back more, making myself as small as possible as Alex's face hovers directly infront of mine, his cool breath brushing over my skin.

"You little liar. you are scared of me ... but why i wonder? anticipation? fear?"

"None of the above. i am not scared of you Alex." Suddenly his lips smash into mine, his tongue sweeping along the seam of my lips, demanding submission from me and i am helpless to stop it, my lips part and his tongue sweeps into my mouth, duelling with my tongue, his hands release my wrists as one grips my hip tightly and the other holds my neck, the kiss deepening. My hands snake into his blonde hair, gripping it tightly as his body presses against mine harder, a part of me coming alive at his touch until my heart kicks up a fight. Forcefully i yank his head back, the surprise giving me the leverage i need as he stumbles back, twisting away i grasp my bag from the floor along with the gun as i race off down the alleyway towards the lights of the street. The heels under my feet make it a little difficult to run but i somehow manage to get out onto the street, slipping the gun into my bag i quickly calm to a walk as i head along the lit pavement, waiting until i see a cab but needing to keep moving as the adrenaline is rushing through my veins.

"Running away from me Lara?" I jump as Alex's voice drifts from beside me, glancing to the side i see his smug face, i grit my teeth and curl my hands into fists, tempted to hit him again but as my knuckles throb i decide against it.

"I'm not running, I am going back to my hotel room. Alone." His chuckle whispers through the night, my feet stop automatically and i turn to face him, arms crossed over my chest, exacerbated with him.

"You are not staying anywhere alone. You could have been killed tonight, what would Yasmin do then?"

"Do not bring her into this ... What do you want from me Alex?" A car horn from beside me makes me jump, spinning as i reach into my bag, gripping the gun, but calming when i notice that the driver is Kurt. Alex suddenly grips my arm tightly, steering me to the back seats where he opens the door and pushes me into the interior, the temptation to growl at him almost wins but i keep my lips pursed and sit in the dark cursing in my mind as Alex slips into the passenger seat. Crossing my arms in anger I stare out the tinted windows, watching the people walk the streets unaware of anything, unaware of my plight, I block out Alex's and Kurt's hushed conversation. Too angry at them to bother to pay attention, not that they seem bothered by it. Kurt pulls the car up at the hotel I am staying, without a moments hesitation I fling open the door and race up the steps, reaching the doors just as Alex catches my hand, I try to pull my hand out of his grip but he tightens his fingers until I stop protesting. Then we walk into the lobby, Alex acting like he owns the place as he pulls me gently towards the elevators, I keep my gaze on the ground, biting my lip to stop myself from causing a scene. The elevator doors clink shut and I yank my hand from his grip, facing him, furious.

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