Chapter Eight

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"So let me get this straight. Youre telling me that because you both took my blood that I now automatically have feelings for you both?" Byron's fingertips gently draw lazy lines on my arms which I try to ignore, needing to sort whatever this is out.

"Not exactly. See when a vampire feeds from a willing donor it creates a temporary bond between them. When two vampires as closely blood bonded as Byron and myself feed from a single donor the bond can last longer and have more influence over the donors feelings. If that makes sense. Its like a triangle, Byron and myself make up two sides, meeting at the top and when we fed from you, you became the third line that tied us all together." Alex demonstrates with his hand as he speaks and in a weird way it made sense. Byron's gently strokes are slowly driving me mad.

"I think I understand. But does it mean that you both ... um ... have bonded with me?"

"Not so much as the feeling isnt as intense in a sense, evolution I think helped minimise the depth of bond formed when feeding otherwise we would have a lot of ... problems." The thought that I have been suffering more than these two jerks really irritates me, I fold my arms over my chest, glaring at each of them.

"So what the hell was the kiss about then Alex?" Byron's gaze suddenly swings to Alex's sheepish expression, the shock and anger on Byron's face makes me realise that he didnt know, and now he does, he doesnt like it. I smile secretly, well played Lara.

"What the fuck Alex?"

"Oh shut up. She looked ... looks stunning this evening, I am but a simple man with base desires and if she would dress and smell like she does then what can you expect? She isnt yours." Alex retaliates, I feel Byron's blood starting to boil, jealousy rearing his ugly head.

"She is mine!" Byron growls, his hands gripping my hips, tightly, almost painfully.

"She is nobody's. Deal with it." I retort before ripping myself from Byron's grip and racing over the room to the vacant chair, watching them from a relatively safe distance. Needing to calm my racing heart from their suffocating presence.

"I will take my leave. It would seem you both have to talk." Before I can protest the hotel door is closing again, Alex nowhere to be seen, leaving me alone with Byron, the heart that I had almost got back under control started racing again, my palms sweaty as I slowly swing my gaze from the door to the still vampire on the bed.

"Byron, I have nothing to say to you."

"Ah little liar, I think you do, you just dont want to admit it to yourself."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask, standing, my hands resting on my hips, the stance of defiance, Byron's eyes glitter mischievously. He slowly, purposely climbs off of the bed, facing me, the full force of his purple gaze freezes me to the spot, I doubt I would be able to move even if my life depended on it.

"You feel things for me that you do not care to admit to yourself, let alone anyone else. I terrify you, but in a good way, you are scared of losing yourself ..." His long strides eat up the distance between us until his toes are flush against mine and I am forced to look up at his face, my limbs shaking.

"I ... I ..." My voice appears to have abandoned me as his hand slowly reaches up to cup my cheek gently, tenderly.

"I understand why you want to run. To save yourself. I understand that better than anyone else, running from my feelings ... hell, I caused your dilemma. For that I am sorry." I cant help but stare up at him in complete disbelief, the vampire who bought me as a slave is gone, replaced with a more human one, I am scared that this is only an act and when I fall for him again he will throw me to the kerb, abandoning me again. I pull away from Byron and start pacing the hotel room, trying to think of a response that wont put me in an even more vulnerable position, I pause at the huge hotel windows, staring out into the city below, I cross my arms across my chest.

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