Chapter 31

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"What are you saying?"

"Supreme Leader, I believe it would be imperative that we look beyond Solo. There is one more powerful than he who could prove to be a far better asset to the First Order."

"You want me to disregard the years we have spent in grooming Skywalker's nephew in order to go after someone you cannot even prove is a better alternative?"

"I can prove that she's more than just a pawn we could use. I just need more time."

"If what you say about this girl is true, Mha...then give me proof and bring her to me..."


Master Luke Skywalker had left with R2-D2.

Rey and the rest of the students in the academy had learned about the unexpected departure from droid announcements earlier that day, and it had fuelled speculations on whether it had something to do with Ben Solo's failure to advance into Jedi Knighthood. Certainly the things Rey heard continued to be unsavoury, and so once the suspension of classes was announced due to Luke's absence, she quickly stood up from her desk and left ahead of everyone else from the classroom.

She walked briskly along the corridors until she found herself alone in the hallway which led to the padawan's quarters. With a sigh, she reached into her pockets and took out the two halves of Papa Doll. She had taken to taking the two pieces everywhere with her, though she wasn't entirely sure why. She supposed she should already start sewing the pieces back together, but with her and Ben's relationship still in tatters...

"Rey! Rey!"

Hastily putting Papa Doll back in her pockets, she turned and smiled at Kreio Thorsen, who ran and waved frantically at her before stopping to catch his breath. "Kreio, what's up?"

"Where's...Master Solo?" Kreio panted before drawing himself up, excitement shining in his green eyes. "He needs to see this. His mother's on the news."

"His mother?" Rey parroted, her stomach becoming a bit queasy. She knew of Senator Leia Organa Solo of course. Ben had talked about her enough, but Rey also still recalled how Senator Organa had been so against them sharing a room back then. Maybe they should've listened to her, Rey thought ruefully. Maybe if they had separated earlier, she wouldn't have come to feel this much for Ben...


Rey shook away from her reverie. "I'm sorry, Kreio. What was that?"

"I said they're going to be announcing Senator Organa's candidacy for First Senator today," Kreio reiterated, his smile still in place. "I thought maybe Master Solo would find the news exciting. And I know like many of us, he hasn't seen his mother in a while."

Rey's smile turned wistful. Kreio was really trying his best to be on Ben's good side, she thought. "I'm not sure he'd want to see that, Kreio. Last time we talked about it, he wasn't exactly keen on his mother's candidacy.

"Besides, he and I still aren't on speaking terms," Rey added, not without a hint of sadness. "I don't even know where he is right now."

"Oh." Kreio seemed genuinely disappointed, much to her surprise.

"But you know what? Why don't you and I both watch it?" she offered. "How does that sound?"

"Cool!" Kreio's smile was back in an instant. "Most of the students are in the mess hall right now, watching the news via holos. Let's go!"

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