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So we're finally here. The end of the series. After over a year of writing, we've reached the conclusion of What She's Worth. I'm sorry, I know I was supposed to post this last week, but I got really busy with real life stuff so had to put this on hold for another week. Thank you again to my beta alikssepia for helping me with the fic. You rock girl! Anyway... Read on...


Kylo Ren stared up into the night sky as snow descended upon his cold, battered body.

As explosions rang throughout the dying planet that was Starkiller Base.

As everything came back to him at full force.

It was her.

It had always been her.

For the last six years, he had seen her in dreams and in nightmares—dreams so fragile that the memory instantly dissipated the moment he woke up.

But now, the memories had returned. They had returned the moment she used the Force to grab hold of the lightsaber that had once been his.

The Skywalker legacy saber his uncle had given him in the academy.

The academy...Luke's Jedi Academy...

He felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips, even as pain seared from where she had slashed his face, even as it throbbed from the bowcaster wound at his side, from the lightsaber wounds on his body.

It was her.

The girl he had practically raised.

The girl who had mattered the most to him in the world.

The girl who had bared her heart to him, only for him to break it into a thousand pieces.

It was her.

It was Rey.

It was his Rey, grown up to be far more beautiful than he could ever have imagined.

Far more fiery and vicious, and he felt pride well up inside him.

And something more. A warmth in his chest he hadn't felt in a long time.

Not since six years ago.

Not since his final goodbye to her in the desolate planet of Jakku.

And now, she was gone again, separated from him by the ground that tore beneath their feet, and he began to chuckle. Oh, how the Force did toy with them so. To have them meet again only to wrench them apart once more.

To have him remember everything and for her to recall nothing.

For her to leave, loathing him with every fiber of her being while he...

The ground shook again. Beyond the trees, he could just make out a fireball that shot up to the skies.

He began to wonder if he was going to die here. To die, left by the girl he...the woman he...

He pressed his lips together and closed his eyes. Perhaps he deserved this, he thought. For everything he had done in the last six years. For everything he had done to her before then.

That was when he heard the distinct footfalls of stormtroopers. He opened his eyes and found them crowded around him, with General Hux looming over him, grimacing as though disgusted to find him alive.

The feeling couldn't have been more mutual.

"Take him to the ship."

The stormtroopers did as they were told, and as they carried him out on a stretcher and into a waiting ship, Kylo Ren closed his eyes once more, remembering.

He remembered everything about her now. Who she was, how she came to be in his life. He remembered her kindness, her wit, her courage.

He remembered what she was worth to him then.

And what she was worth to him now.


Rey was worth dying for.

But most importantly, she was worth living for.

The end


And that's it. The end. Thank you so much everyone for being on this journey with me through the past year. Thank you for your comments which are always a joy to read. Thank you for reading this piece that I have worked on and I hope this conclusion satisfies you for now. As for a sequel, a lot of people have been asking for one but I'm going to have to wait until TLJ to see if I can and how I can take the story to the next level...if I can. I make no promises but in any case, thank you again for joining me on this roller coaster ride that is What She's Worth. I may write other reylo fics in the future, but this one will always be closest to my heart. So again dear readers, I thank you. See you again in the future!

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