Admiring Poets & Poetry

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I typically despise the rhyming in poetry;
It never avails enough room for me,
Enough room to write what I want.
Perhaps I just wish to flaunt
My feelings for the world
When it causes me to scold,
But when I read your words,
They are short and straightforward.
However, they rhyme,
They have rhythm and time.
They are not clumsy like mine,
Tripping over themselves in a line.

I never thought I would fall
For the simplicity in your words.
It's not love I am feeling towards
You but more admiration,
That steadfast inspiration.
But you don't know me,
well, you do;
However, you won't know
I am writing about you.
Even if you are reading this now,
You won't even take a bow.


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