Chapter Thirty Four

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After the guy left Louis seemed awfully sad, and no matter how much I tried he just wouldn't seem to cheer up. It unusual to see Louis like that so I didn't really know what to do. However he didn't really seem sad for himself, but the guy named Harry. I don't know what they talked about, but it really did take a toll on him.

I also tried asking him about why Harry said what he said. It didn't make any sense, and just left me confused, but somehow he seemed so certain about his words. He wouldn't answer me. He just kept telling me he wasn't sober, and his words had no meaning.

After a few hour he just went to bed leaving me alone with thousands of questions. I couldn't sleep. All I wanted to do was follow that guy out the door, and ask him what he meant, but there is no way I would find him now. And by the way he looked I would have guessed he is homeless, but I pray to god he isn't.

Nevertheless when Louis woke the next day he seemed completely fine, so when Alexandra came for the dinner we had planned he was all happy. I decided on not telling Alexandra what happened scared that Louis would hear, and go back to the state he was in yesterday.

"I met your boyfriend at the mall today, and asked him over to join us for dinner." Alexandra suddenly speaks up making me look at her in slight shock. She sees my expression, and decides to explain herself. "You haven't even introduced us to him. We are your best friend, we should know him. He seemed nice so I thought we could all get to know him a little better." She says while getting the table ready.

"It's not like I am trying to keep him from you guys, I just didn't think it was that big of a deal." I shrug as I stand up from the couch so I can move closer to Alexandra.

"Well he should be here in about five minutes." Is all she says before disappearing into the kitchen. Louis walks out. He doesn't say anything he just glance at me before walking over to the living room. I know he is acting like this to avoid me asking questions, but I just don't see how that can be a bad thing.

I walk over to the window. I love it because it is bigger then me, and I can look over a small park near by. However now as I stare along the horizon, a big black cloud is closing in on us. A thunder storm. Shivers rush trough me, and I freeze for a second. Only to be torn away from the moment by a knock on the door.

I walk away from the window as I make my way over to the door, opening it in a slow pace for no apparent reason. On the other side Cole is standing with roses in his hand, and a smile on his face. "Hello." I signal for him to step inside. While I am closing the door he decides to speak up again. "I am sorry for just coming without telling you first, but your friend invited me."

"I know she told me. It's fine, really. I am glad to have you here." I tell him making his blue eyes glow up. He wraps his free hand around my waste brining me closer, and planting a stiff kiss to my lips as always. He pulls back before handing me the flowers. "I'm just going to put these in a vase. You can take of your coat in the meantime."

I smile before I walk off and into kitchen where Alexandra is getting the last of the dinner on her hands ready to be put on the table. "Is he here?" She asks on her way out. I only nod while I place the flowers in a glass vase, and fill it with water. When I look back up she is already gone into the dining room.

As I walk into the dining room everyone is already seated. Alexandra, and Louis on one side, and Cole on the other with an empty seat for me. I sit down in my chair, and everyone immediately starts eating.

"So what do you do?" Louis asks trying to spark some conversation, and get some information at the same time.

"I work at a hospital. You know saving lives and all that." Cole says direct and short. Some parts of Cole are great, and others not so much. Nevertheless I haven't seen much of the bad parts yet.

"So you're a doctor?" Alexandra asks this time not certain what he meant by working at a hospital. There are may jobs there, and honestly Cole doesn't have the most important of them.

"No I am an assistant you can say. I hand them all the equipment during operations, and hold thing if needed." He explains, and I try holding back a laugh when I see Louis do the same thing. I can already tell Louis isn't impressed by Cole, but I hope that can be changed over time, of we last that long. "So if I wasn't there the people would most likely die." Cole says with much pride.

"Ain't that true." Louis says mockingly, but Cole doesn't seem to notice, to wrapped up in his pride. "In that case you can say I save lives as well." Louis explains while taking another bite of his food.

"How so?" Cole asks, and you can see the competing side of him shine trough, as if he is the only one allowed to save lives.

"Some doctors need music to concentrate so if I didn't own a record label where people can record song, they would never be able to concentrate. They would just accidentally cut a hole in someone's heart, or pull out a vein. Thank you for making me realize that Cole." Louis says with an over exaggerating smile making me almost choke on my food in laughter.

The rest of the evening pretty much consisted of small bickering between Cole, and Louis every now and then. I did nothing though, because I only found the whole thing entertaining. Cole left around nine along with Alexandra, and Louis and I didn't talk much. He only mentioned he didn't like Cole a lot, but honestly I didn't feel like he gave him a chance. I only wish he could understand that there isn't a perfect guy waiting for me right around the corner.

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