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After Lockwood and I's brief...spat, I decided to go ask George some questions.

"We need to go back there and look at the sight of the haunting again. That's the only way we'll be able to solve this." I say confidently after cornering him in the kitchen. "And Lockwood won't let me go. So I was thinking about sneaking out tonight and going back to the shop."

"God Lucy! You're so stupid sometimes! Lockwood just threatened your job! Do you want to lose the only thing you have?" George replies.

"I don't care what Lockwood threatened. I care about the greater good of my community! Lockwood isn't helping anybody by sitting here idle so one of us has to do something about it."

"Lucy, Lockwood will fire you. I know that you know that he cares a lot for the two of us, after all, we are all he has. The only thing you would be doing by going to the shop tonight is endangering your job, yourself, and Lockwood and I."

"Lockwood isn't my father! I can do whatever the hell I want t-"

"Damnit Lucy! I told you what he was going to do! He WILL fire you, and then we lost our best agent! We need you here Luce! So stop being so damn stubborn and get the idea of rebellion out of your tiny brain!" George seethes, shoving pass me violently.

"Forget you George! I knew nobody in this house was on my side! This always happens! I want to help my neighbors, I want to rid of ghosts or figure them out! I can't do that when you assholes are always getting in my way!" I yell at him.

"Oh for the love of all things sweet! I know you think that you have Lockwood wrapped around your pretty little finger, but girl, you need to get your head out of your ectoplasm stained ass." He responds angrily.

All of a sudden, the door opens, and Lockwood comes in, bringing with him a very pissed off Jennifer.

Noticing the tense air surrounding me and George he says,"What the hell happened in here?!"


"Ma'am, you're saying that you aren't stealing anything from the coffee shop, despite good sales, raised prices, and plenty of money that should be going into the store's bank account?" Lockwood asks nicely.

"No. I'm not stealing a thing. I bet it's those wretched hobos outside my shop." Jennifer replies snobbily.

"Actually, it isn't your shop." George adds in.

"Butt out, fat boy. I wasn't talking to you." She informs George.

"Mrs. Jennifer, I politely ask of you to not degrade my agents because everything that you are saying now can and will be used in our investigation. You know you're going to be in trouble already, so yelling at the agents trying to solve this case is definitely not going to help you get a lesser punishment." Lockwood pushes.

"Whatever. You aren't gonna find anything about me."

"What about an account of your recent consumers, and how much they bought. It says here that you should've made over 24,000 euros last month, but you only gave Lux 15,000." I say.

"That's because I'm generous and I give homeless people discounts." She tries to cover with.

"You literally just called the homeless people 'Wretched hobos.' I seriously doubt that you're giving them discounts." George reminds.

"Whatever. I'm outta here, You guys are just a bunch of little kids, anyway." She escapes the house, calling over her shoulder.

"She's a horrible person."




"So obviously Jennifer and her husband are our prime suspects." George decides.

"No shit. Did you see how nervous she was getting? She's a really bad liar!" Lockwood chuckles.

"Well, I think it's time to go to bed. George, we'll go to the shop in the morning to talk to regulars and some of the homeless outside of the shop. Luce, I need to talk to you." Lockwood commands.

"Alright then. I would say goodnight, but we never have good nights. So, bye." George says, leaving the kitchen.

"If you're here to yell at me and threaten me again, don't bother, I got the message." I mumble to him.

"I was actually gonna ask your opinion on something, but if that's your attitude, you're gonna have to be up all night before I decide to tell you what I wanted."

"There's no need to be rude, Lockwood."

"Oh really, Sweetheart," He mocks, " I heard you talking about how you were gonna sneak out and how you think my threats against your job didn't matter."

"You took it out of context."

"Did I Lucy? Did I? Answer me honestly."

"No. But I don't think you'd really take my job away."

"Oh Lucy. You're really getting on my nerves."

"Does it look like I care?"

"You honestly look a little... backed up."

At this point, I noticed that he had stepped forward multiple times, and I had unintentionally backed up against the wall.

He leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "Watch yourself. This company may need you, but if you're endangering me or another one of my employees I will not hesitate to... punish you." He finished and backed away, shooting me an arrogant smirk.

"Lockwood, I'm not an idiot. You wouldn't fire me. Where else are going to find a girl with my abilities. I'm too damn important to this team."

"It's not a team if you hurt one of the people on it."


In the morning, I woke up to a very cold house. The heater wasn't on, and it was almost winter so it was getting chilly.

I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea, and when I got there, George and Lockwood were huddled around the thinking cloth.

Hearing my footsteps, George looked up. What he said took me for a loop.

"Lucy, Jennifer hill she- she's dead."





except not literally

Jennifer is though. HEHE.Anyways, how'd you like that cliff hanger at the end? And a little bit of steamy, suave Lockwood?

Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now