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"Lockwood. We need to go look for that foot." George urged a very hesitant Lockwood.

"George is right... for once." I helped- kind of.

"Lucy, we both know that I'm always right." he responded.

"Guys, be professional." Lockwood cut in.

"You say that as if you weren't telling us to stay here instead of going to do our job." George reminds him.

"You do realize that no one is paying us for this, right?" Lockwood says.

"Then let's pick us up another case for tonight." I end the conversation.

George and Lockwood go to our casebook while I get some of our equipment ready, starting with the chains.

The problem is, I can't find them.

I check everywhere. The kitchen cabinets, up in my room, I peeked in Lockwood's holding, all over the basement, even in GEORGE'S room, bleh.


After a while, I managed to get the boys into the search.

"Lockwood, we had chains after the last case, how did we lose them?" I heckled Lockwood, giving both him and George the oh-my-god-you-stupid-idiot stare.

"Who knows?!" George replied, throwing his hands up in distress. He looked like an angry penguin.

"How cou- Oh. My. God." Lockwood started, pointing over at the kitchen window. The very broken kitchen window with a taped note.

We walked over to the note, stepping over the glass.

"Do not go on any more cases. Other than the one at Lux's. That's part of me. I killed the woman. I stole your chains. I want to meet Lucy. If you three manage to solve this, I will pay you ten thousand pounds to replace all the items I stole and the ones I've broken. But, I have to meet Lucy first. She's so beautiful, from afar, while she sleeps, while she's deep in thought.



"George, go see if you can get any DNA from this, Lucy I need to talk to you." Lockwood gave out, taking my hand and walking with me to the basement.

Yay. I have a sadistic stalker who watches me sleep.


Once we were in the basement Lockwood started to pace the room, muttering things about the note and the creepy comment at the end about me.

He randomly stopped and told me to go get the Skull Jar.

"Ok," Lockwood said to the skull, "tell us more about this person who was watching us yesterday in town."

"Well, first off, it was staring at Lucy, not at you and that fat bubble of a boy." The jar started with.

I told Lockwood what it said, making Lockwood purse his lips at the thought of someone watching- stalking stalking one of his employees.

"Was it a man, or could you tell what kind of presence he put off?" Lockwood asked.

"It was a small man, and he had an air of... malevolence or- you know what he was just a plain ass pervert. He creeped me out, made feel uncomfortable. And I'm an ugly skull." The jar replied in a disgusted tone.

"Lockwood, this is the first time that he's even being somewhat helpful. This man must've really creeped him out..." I said, confused.

Most of the conversations I've ever had with this jar were mean, or filled with its dark sense of humor. So knowing this, I realize that this is serious. Serious enough to get the police involved. I would never say that, considering our few, uh, run-ins with the police department.

Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now