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It's been a few days since we first met Mitch, but I haven't forgotten his tattoo. I think I'm overreacting; Lucy is a common name. He might've gotten a mistake tattoo when he was drunk, I mean, we don't know enough about him to tell whether or not he's a drunkard.

I'm in the middle of a novel, but I can't focus on it. Thoughts of Mitch and George's idea that Lockwood has feelings for me are bouncing around in my brain. I sigh for the third time in about a minute, and try to get back to my book.

"You know, sweetheart, if you keep sighing I'm going to hit you." Lockwood interrupts.

You know what, I am rather bored. What better way to entertain myself than by annoying Lockwood?

"You'd have to catch me first." I say nonchalantly.

"I have longer legs. I sprint a hell of a lot faster than you so..."

"But I'm smaller. I can dodge things that you and your giraffe body run into."

"Giraffe? I didn't know you're attracted to giraffes."

"Who said I was attracted to you." I respond, looking down at my book.

"Your actions."

"What about these actions make you think that I think you're attractive?" I say as I get up to walk out of the room.

"Hey! This conversation isn't over!" Lockwood calls as he gets up to follow me.

I begin to run, getting the reaction I was hoping for.

I burst into the kitchen, and hide under the table until I see Lockwood. I let out a chuckle as he begins to search and dash out from under the table and run up the stairs.

"Lucy" an annoyed Lockwood calls, "I will find you."

"I'm sure you will!" I yell back.

I stand at the top of the stairs and wait for him to notice me. And let me tell you, he says that he's smart but he sure can't notice things, or people, that are practically right next to his head.

When he finally finds me, he sprints up the stairs, but I'm already in the next room.

"Jesus, Luce. This is exhausting."

"You're the one who tried to think I'm attracted to you."

"Oh come on. Everyone's attracted to all this." He says as he gestures to his lean body.

No Lucy. Your heart didn't flutter. You're only having minor kidney complications.

"Then go find George. I'm sure he wouldn't mind to stroke your ego." I reply.

"You're really annoying, you know that."

"So I've been told."

Lockwood hadn't found me yet, so I sneak out of the room to find him to find him searching the bathroom. I tiptoe towards him, and jump on his back.

"Oh my god. You're alarmingly stupid." I tease.

"And you're alarmingly heavy."

He lets out a small oomph when I tighten my grip.

"Ok. So what do we do now." Lockwood asks.

"You admit that I'm not fat and you won't walk around with a black eye."

"Fine. You're not fat and I like your body. Is that alright?" He asks sarcastically.

"No. You're not allowed to be attracted to all this." I mock.

Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now