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George got home at about 6:30 that night, a jolly skip to his step and a plastic take-out bag hanging from his hands.

"Evening George!" Lockwood cheerily calls from his room.

I was just outside of his bedroom door, annoyed with everyone's great mood.

"What's up with the sour face, Luce?" Asks George.

"What???? Bad mood? sour face? I don't know what you're talking about..." I respond sarcastically.

Lockwood pokes his head out of his door, giving me a look.

"What can I say Lockwood, you know girls and their time of the month." George spills out.

"Uh, George, you probably shouldn't hav-"

"GEORGE!" I call, cutting Lockwood off, "what've I told you about making period Jokes?!"

"The same thing you told Lockwood about making short jokes..."

"And what is that?"

"Making jokes about Lucy always ends up making you woozy." Lockwood calls from his room.

I purse my lips at George before taking the bag of food from his hands and dividing up our shares.


Later that night after we're all washed up, George wanders into Lockwood's room and tells me to close my ears.

I can hear snippets of their conversation.

"Highly dangerous... wanted in three countries...registered predator..."

Sometimes these boys forget that I have really good hearing.


Some time after midnight, I hear the patter of Lockwood's feet by my head, and the creak of the door.

"We need to keep her safe." Lockwood whispers.

"She can hold her own." Reminds George.

"But- but..." Lockwood lets out a loud sigh, "What if she can't. What if we aren't there to save her, and she gets caught. Or worse."

"She's Lucy. You're more likely to be ghost touched than Lucy be caught." George says, "Besides, you would never leave your beloved Lucy by yourself! Your sweetheart, darling, and only love!" George finishes, a sarcastic ring in his voice.

I almost laugh out loud when I hear George's exclamation of protest, and a sharp noise. Lockwood probably slapped him...

"I don't love Lucy,"

Afraid of the rest of Lockwood's sentence, I cover my ears.


The next morning, George sets out to explain things to me.

"Ok. So I was able to match the handwriting from the foot to three different people. Francis Lelott, Forman Micheals, and this last guy. His last name's crossed out of the system, and his picture isn't there."

Marvin... Marvin. Sounds familiar.

"That's bizarre." Lockwood mumbles, a perplexed expression on his face.

"Marvin! Remember that note we got when our chains were stolen? His name was Marvin!" I cry.

"There she goes! Our smart Lucy." Lockwood says.

"You know I'm not a puppy, right?"


Later that evening, Lux shows up at our door.

"Uh, hello?" Lockwood kind of asks.

"Why haven'y y'all gotten the ghost out of my shop yet?" She demands, tapping her foot and crossing her arms.

George, who isn't looking at anyone, instead going through some papers, says, "You know, normal things. A carved up foot, a missing source, Lucy's creepy pedophile stalker, oh, and Lockwood's over protectiveness."

"I don't care about all of that. You need to get the ghost out of shop. I'll get Barnes out here. Have you guys shut down IMMEDIATELY for an overdrawn case." Lux warns.

"Someone stole our chains." I say.

"I. Don't. Care."

"Ma'am, I apologize, but my agents have been threatened by unknown persons in your shop. I refuse to continue our investigation until we find that weird stalker of Lucy's." Lockwood says confidently.

"You need to get that damn ghost OUT OF MY SHOP! Or else I will report you." Lux commands, walking briskly out of our house, slamming the door.

"Welp, it looks like we do need to go back to the shop." I say, turning to Lockwood with smug smile on my face.


Sitting at the table, we make a plan; George leaves to go get chains in the morning, Lockwood and I get the rest of our things ready, along with a few... extra weapons. For safety reasons.

Lockwood and I, forced to dance around each other while getting ready for bed aren't talking to each other.

Dammit, I think, I don't have a clean nightgown down here.

"Hey Lockwood?" I say awkwardly, " I need to go upstairs to get a night gown."

"Ughhh. I don't wanna go all the way up there." Lockwood whines.

"You're surprisingly lazy for a dashing ghost hunting man." I tease.

"You think I'm dashing?"

I just glare at him from my position at the bathroom door.

"I don't wanna get up. Here," he says, standing up and going to his drsser, digging around for something, "just wear this."

I look at the piece of clothing he threw at me; a dark undershirt.

I go into the bathroom and change into it, noticing how it goes down to my lower thighs.

I walk out of the bathroom, and go over to my palette on the ground next to Lockwood's bed.

"He's looking at your legs. I think he likes them." the ghost jar says mockingly.

"Shut up, you fat bastard." I call back.

"You said my jar didn't make me look fat!"


I know I haven't been updating, IM SORRY!!!!

I have no sense of time management.

I've been looking back at some of my earlier chapters, and I know that I need to edit EVERYTHING


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