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"Lucy. Get out. Now." Lockwood commands once entering the room.

"God damn... this dudes a psychopath..." George mutters when he enters the room.

"Look at..." I choke out, pointing to the amazingly detailed painting of Lockwood and I laughing with each other.

"Lucy go!" Lockwood reminds me.

"No." I state.


"If she leaves by herself she'll be in more danger than she is in here, Lockwood." George reminds him.

"I need to check the place out, see if I can get any more information about how long this dude's been stalking Lucy, though." Lockwood says.

"I'm not leaving without knowing that both of you are safe." I project, trying to keep calm about the whole situation.

Almost every inch of the wall is covered in drawings, paintings, pictures, and newspaper clippings of me. Some of the things he has on his wall had once had Lockwood or George in them, but they seem to have been burned out by a cigarette or something.

"This dude has some major issues, guys. I think we need to get out of here." George says pointedly."

"We need to have a look around first, though." Lockwood responds.

So we proceed to practically rip this person's room apart. Lockwood starts with the closet, George under the bed, and me in his drawers.

The first... interesting thing is found by Lockwood. It's a small journal labeled 'Perfect dates' by Mitch Gerghus.

After that we find the occasional drawing of one of the three of us. And then I look in his bedside drawer.

{{{(((( A/N: This next scene is not for anyone younger than the age of say... 13. I warned you. It involves a heavily horrendous crime...))))}}

This first thing is a pair of black gloves. Then there's a rope, duct tape, knife, gun, baby wipes, and condoms. All in a pack that says ' Lucy's Rape bag'.

"Lucy we need to leave NOW," Lockwood starts, "if we're still here by the time Mitch gets back, who knows what horrendous things he'll do to us."

"I still think we need to have a look around." I determine after a second.

"I really don't like agreeing to something that will put us in so much danger, but what if he has a person in here or something. One of the many people who've gotten in the way of his... conquests."

"Alright. Fine, ten more minutes."

We finish in his room, and move on to his kitchen. We don't find anything there, so we move on to the rest of the house, and lastly, to the horrible smelling bathroom.

The room is covered with roaches and flies, and the electricity in here doesn't work. On the mirror in yet another picture of the three of us with the boys' faces burned out. And then we find the unconscious shop keeper.


"Thanks again for getting me out of there," she says again, "lord knows I would've lasted maybe a week longer."

The woman had just regained consciousness about an hour ago when we finally really recognized her. She was the waitress of the place where we met with Lux's son and interrogated him about the death of his wife, Jennifer.

Her name is Sonya, and she knows a lot more than we do about what is going on.

"How long have you been in his house?" Lockwood asks, all three of us have note pads, and we've explained to Sonya who we are and what we need to know to keep the people safe.

"About 2 weeks, an hour after I ushered you guys out." She replies.

"Did he say why he kidnapped you?" I ask.

She begins to cry.

"B-because I protected you!" She sobs. George goes to give her a handkerchief, but she waves him away and calms herself.

"He says that would've been 'the perfect opportunity to get my darling Lucy away from those stupid boys.'" She air quotes.

"I'm really sorry he made you go through that. Thank you so much for being there for us in the right moment." Lockwood murmurs soothingly to her.

She smiles up at him and thanks us all for keeping her safe.

"He would talk about what he wanted to do to Lucy. They were all savage, horrible things."

"Was he your boss at the restaurant?" George asks her.

"Yeah. It's his shop."

"Do you happen to know how he managed to make the place so dirty in only a week or so?" I ask.

"He's been unofficially living there for about a year now. He just snuck in there when he figured that the original owners stopped caring about the place."

"Alright. Did he happen to tell you how long he's been stalking Lucy?" Lockwood, this time.

"Almost two years now."

"Did he tell you why?" Me, now.

"He was infatuated with a 'lady who put up a fight.'"

"Hmmm..." George mumbles.

"Thankyou so much Sonya. We're done asking you questions for right now. You can sleep on the couch and Lucy will lend you pajamas." Lockwood finishes the conversation.


"You know, we should probably call the cops." George muses.

"I think that's a good idea." I agree.

"No." Lockwood says.

"You're usually all for getting the cops involved once we've figured out the mystery." George replies.

"But i want to make this man pay." Lockwood says.

"What happened to the real Lockwood..." I joke around.

"Heh, true." George mutters under his breath.

"What happened," he starts, "is that the old Lockwood fell in love." He stands up and walks out of the room.

"What the hell..." I struggle out.

"I TOLD YOU PRETTY BOY FELL IN LOVE!" I hear the Ghost Jar say from some where near by.


Well hello there readers. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, i'm just bad at schedules... oops.

Anyways, it's a little short but I LOVED where i decided to end it. It twas perfect.

Anyways, thank for reading, BYYEEEE!!

Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now