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"Oh my god..." I trail off.

George just sits there and stares at me, a smug grin on his face.

"I told you so." He responds.

"You know, I think it would be good for me to go home. I'm sure my husband is worried about me." Sonya pipes in.

I look at her and nod, my astonishment still in my mind. Lockwood fell in love... With who? George is sure it's me, and I kinda... Maybe can believe that?

Little old Lucy...

"George, do you thin-"

"That he's talking about you? Yes." he interrupts.

"I think I'll sleep on the couch tonight." I say.

"Lockwood can go suck an egg."

"I think there's something the two of you can do together that involves sucking..."

"George!" I yell, smacking him.

"I don't think Lockwood would complain." he chuckles.

I glare at him.

"He has a point, sweetheart." I hear Lockwood mumble from the kitchen.

My face flames with embarrassment.

"See!" George replies.

I just continue in my silent glare, until George lets out a small squeal.

"Gaah! My OTP is real! Lucy just has to figure out her feelings..." he mumbles.

Lockwood emerges from the kitchen shirtless.

"Why in The HELL are you shirtless right now!" George begins,"Lucy still has a couple chapters to figure out her feelings. Stop trying to speed up the process wth your manly body!"

"Are you living vicariously through me and Lucy?" Lockwood says, looking at me the whole time.

He then, much to my increasi g embarrassment, winks and walks back into the kitchen

"I see you're speechless, Lucy. Go and get that hot ass." I hear the ghost jar say.

"Are you all secretly gay for Lockwood?!" I call out.

"I think every one's a little gay for Lockwood..." George says.

I gape at him.

"Naw, I'm just kidding. I'm not gonna steal your man from you." he calls over his shoulder while walking out of the room.

I squish as far into the back of the chair as I can.


Unfortunately, I think I'm going to be the one to figure out how to stop Marvin- Mitch, whatever his name is.

Obviously, we know where his shop is.


So maybe if we went there and I sat out as bait. That makes sense.


I could sit in one of the booths and wait to see if he comes for me. And if he does I lurch out at him with my rapier and-


I can't focus. I can't get him out of my head.

His smile, his laugh, his hair.

He's been letting it grow out. I think it's because I made a comment about how I like long hair to George.

What if- what if he does love me?

Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now