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Lockwood has had his arms wrapped tightly around me for a few minutes now, and I'm realizing I'm about to lose my cool, my solid disposition. I need to get to my room, now.

See, Lockwood already treats me like a baby. I understand that he worries for me, and I him, but he can be  overbearing. Imagine a super strict parent who happens to only be a couple of years older than you, and has nice hair, and a toned chest, and... WOAH Lucy, calm down.

I'm just gonna say that I'm trying to distract myself. Damn though, Lockwood's arms are really comfortable... OK it's time to stop.

I quickly shake my thoughts into the forbidden part of my brain, and steel myself to make a haste getaway from Lockwood.

"Lockwood, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go to my room now." I say, starting to push myself from Lockwood's tight grasp.

But it gets tighter, stopping my progress.

"No." Lockwood pronounces in a tone unlike his usual smooth baritone.

"Excuse me?" I exclaim, struggling to unwrap his arms from around me.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere alone." He begins, "Especially not up to your room. You never know who-or what- could be hiding up there."

"Lockwood. You're acting crazy, I'll be fin-"

"No you won't." Lockwood interrupts.

"I'm gonna keep you around me and George, and we're not going to finish the job, I won't lose y-"

This time I'm the one who does the interrupting.


I scramble up, making a dash to get to the stairs with Lockwood right on my heels.

"LUCY." Lockwood tries, unable to keep me downstairs.

As soon as I can get in my room, I slam and lock the door, collapsing onto my bed, almost crying in anger.


After about an hour, I've effectively gotten all of my emotions out.

I honestly try my best to keep my anger down played, seeing as I'm an agent who is paid to not have emotions so that I can keep ghosts at bay. But I've never had something so serious and threatening like this happen to me before.

Someone knocks on my door.

"Lucy?" George says abnormally soft, his voice muffled through the door.

I knew he'd come back, I heard him talking to Lockwood who had, hopefully, informed George about our findings.

"I just wanted to let you know dinner's ready, and I have a tray for you." I hear through the door.

"Wow," I say sarcastically, "Who knew that a stalker and a cut up foot was all it took for you to be nice to me."

"Damn, Luce. I was just trying to not make you burst in tears like a snotty princess whose crown is the wrong color."

He managed to get a short chuckle from me.

"Anyways, I'll just leave this here and leave you to it." He says, and I can hear him shuffling down the hall.

I open the door wide enough to get my tray, and I nearly drop it when I see George bustling down the stairs in his new frilly apron. I stop giggling abruptly when I see Lockwood, all mysterious and brooding, standing at the end of the stairs looking straight at me.


It's about midnight, and I'm laying down on the ground staring at the ceiling. I've just been thinking about my availability. As an agent, as a friend, perhaps even as a... lover...

I really don't understand the way Lockwood's acting. With ghosts, you can tell what they're feeling. An open chest might be a broken heart, or an infatuation with a certain room can mean an emotional connection or a source spot. Oh, and there's the fact that I can hear them and they tell me exactly what they want, how they want it, and when they want it.

Completely different than Lockwood and I's conversations.

"Lucy, maybe you should do this thing we call talking." The skull jar says. interrupting my thoughts, "Maybe then lover boy Lockwood will pronounce his undying love for you, sealing your infatuation with a tender kiss that quickly turns heated, as his hand glides down your body towar-"

"NO... please don't finish that sentence." I quickly interrupt.

"Fine. You can finish it in your dreams- if you actually go to sleep."

"You are incredibly disgusting." I say.

"I would wink if I could."


I was just woken up by a sound. Coming from my window.

"Hey, sweetheart." I hear Lockwood through my door.

I quickly and silently walk over to my door, quietly opening it and pulling Lockwood in, he hit his head in the doorframe and fell into my room.

"Lucy what the fu-"

"SHHHHHHH!" I say, putting a finger to my lips and motioning towards my window where you can see something hitting the window every once in a while.

He obviously sees it to, and motions for me to follow him down the stairs.

Once we get down there, we each work together to grab our work belts and rapiers, and slowly but surely make our way out the front door, watching each other's backs as we fall into our routine like a well oiled machine.

We look at each other and Lockwood motions for me to be quiet. He draws his rapier and I follow in suit, and we work our way around the house and towards my room, where we see a dark figure encircled with chains.

When we get closer, we can tell that he has some sort of instrument in his hand.

Lockwood stops and sighs, getting angry at the sight of my presumed stalker.

"Hey mate, the hell are you doing at our house at midnight?" Lockwood shouts.

The man turns around, huffing at the sight of us.

"I'm here to serenade my sweet, sweet Lucy!" He says. stepping out of the chains.

"Luce, sweetheart, why do you attract all the crazies?" Lockwood exclaims, shoving me behind him and getting into a fighting stance.


I don't think I've ever updated two days in a row...new record!!!

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