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I'm woken to a breakfast of biscuits and tea, the usual, and George's note saying he's already gone to get more chains.

"So, we have some time the, I suppose." Lockwood says in a sexy morning voice.

Sexy? Ugh, no Lucy stop.

"I guess. What'd ya like to do?" I respond. looking down at my tea.

"Let's start by putting actual clothes on..." Lockwood suggests, motioning to his naked chest and my bare legs.


We decided to just rest up, seeing as we need to get the ghost out TONIGHT according to Lux. So we're sitting on the couch reading. He has a gossip magazine, and I have a novel. My legs are in his lap, and he's absentmindedly stroking them.

[A/N; HEHE, just a little bit of suggestive fluff]

He puts his magazine down and looks directly at me.

"What?" I question.

"Nothing." He responds.

"You know, normal people don't look at people for no reason." I say, redirecting my gaze to my book.

He eventually picks his magazine back up.


"Alright. Salt, iron, rapiers, knives, crowbar, hammer, flashlight, biscuits, tea..." Lockwood lists.

"Check, check, yup, yes, positively,absolutely, it's right here, there, it's looking at me..." I say, checking our duffels for everything he calls in a standard procedure.

He looks at me with a questioning expression,"Why are you saying it so weirdly?"

Before I could respond, George walks down into the basement with our chains.

"Almost ready?" He asks.

Lockwood looks down at a wrist watch. "Yeah, sure."

We begin to walk out the door, when I remember that I need to grab a pocketknife and the Ghost Jar, so I turn back around and run into the house. I pluck my knife from where it's nestled between two couch pillows, and pick the ghost jar out from behind a cabinet door.

"sorry guys!" I yell as I sprint back outside, " Almost forgot some very important aspects of ghost hunting!"

But, neither of the boys turn to look at me. Instead they're staring at the house across from us, it looked different than usual. The 'For Sale' sign was missing, and there were cars in the drive way.

"That's a bit, bizarre..." Lockwood mentioned quietly.

That house, Lockwood has told me, has been for sale for almost thirty years now. Everyone thinks that having a house across the street from an agent is bad luck.

"Whatever. let's just go catch a train." George ends our conversation quickly, motioning to the awaiting cab.


We get to the coffee shop at about 6'o'clock, and begin to set up various agent-y things, like chains and safe stations, we begin the tea, and other various requirements.

"Alright, so let's begin in the kitchen then?" George suggests.

We set our duffel bag in the sitting area, and arrange ourselves in the kitchen.

It's about 9:30 now, and we should begin to get some action soon.

after about ten minutes, a start getting a hint of malaise, and there's a green fog rolling around our ankles.

Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now