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Marvin looks at my shocked expression and laughs.

"You came here alone, love. Your precious knight in shining armor can't save you now."

I glare at him, remembering the knife in my hand.

"I can be my own damn knight in shining armor." I lurch at him and manage to slice a bit if his shoulder

He curses.

I feel arms behind my back, and before I can react, things are getting thrown at Mitch.

"Get yer' hands off of her, you twat headed bastard!" Flo yells, as she continues throwing pastries and other things in her reach at the man holding me.

Then George, scared out of his wits, comes dashing out of the bathroom with a mop.

"That's my friend!"

Mitch is still being whacked in the head and poor Marvin is being beaten by a wet mop. This is actually quite funny.

I take my knife and push it up against one of Marvin's flailing wrists, just hard enough to cause beads of red to emerge.

"Goddamnit, love! I'm trying to save you from yourself!" Mitch yells.

Flo ceases her pastry assault and George corners Mitch with his wet mop.

I keep my knife on Martin's wrist and turn to look at Mitch.

"What do you mean 'save me from myself'?" I glower at him.

He sighs.

"Your profession is dangerous, Lucy. You could get killed. We want to protect you."

"You're delusional, both of you. Do you seriously think stalking an underage girl is protecting her? You've both put me in so much danger simply by watching me. Stealing chains, taking pictures of me, making a fucking rape kit. You're not good at trying to help me." I rant.

"What about Lockwood?" Marvin begins, "he can't protect you."

I blanch at this one and turn back to face Marvin.

"Lockwood has saved my life so many damn times. If I trust ANYONE with my life, it would be him. He has not only saved me from spirits, he's saved me from guns and knives, and falling ceilings. He's saved me from perverts like you two and he took me in from practically off the streets. So do NOT tell me that he can't protect me. He sure as hell can."

Mitch laughs.

"What about his girlfriend?" he tries.

I swing back around to look at Mitch.

"Lockwood doesn't have a girlfriend. Don't pull that shit on me."

George speaks up.

"He's kinda been in love with her for months..."

Flo nods. I don't know how she would know that.

"But you don't love him. You tried to admit it earlier, but I know you weren't sure of yourself." Marvin says.

Do I love Lockwood?

He's saved my life. He trusts me. He's my closest friend. He calls me sweetheart. He annoys me. He makes me laugh. I make him angry. I make him want to fire me.

I made him love me.

Do I love Lockwood?

Unfortuanatley I couldn't answer, because Marvin took my time pondering as an opportunity to flip the knife around on me.

He slowly backs me up until I'm against the wall, the knife that was once against his wrist now against my throat.

"Wait, Marvin," I hear Mitch begin, "we can make an opportunity of this. Take her now. We can overpower her two friends, one of them's homeless and the other's fatter than the jelly donuts he eats."

This makes me angry.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Why did you ever think that this was a good idea? You're going to come with me, give my agency our money, and leave me and my friends alone." I spew.

"Awww sweetheary, here I was thinking we were more then friends." a new voice says.

Marvin turns to look at who it is and I take the chance to duck after him and get my weapon back.

I corner Marvin again and punch him as hard as I can in the gut.

"That's for making fun of my friends." I say.

I slap him across the fave.

"That's for trying to hurt Lockwood."

"So I'm special now?" the voice says again.

And I kick Marvin in the balls.

"And that's for giving me shit."

I leave him there writhing on the ground to attend to Mitch.

But Lockwood's already beating the living shit out if him.

I let Lockwood finish as I check to see if Marvin has a check book on him. He does.

I put the point of my knife in his back and force him to write a check for 10,000 Pounds.

I then make sure George and Flo are okay. George just nods his head at me and Flo shoves me off with a gruff 'eff off'.

I search the back rooms with George to see if I can find any more incriminating evidence and only find a map with all of the places either of them had seen me at any point.

I pick my pack up, which was stocked with photos of the things the three of us had found in his house, and place everything next to the map.

I turn to face George, still ignoring Lockwood who was done with Mitch and is now pacing in the dining area.

"I still never found out exactly why they stalked me." I say to him.

"I don't know, Luce. Some people are just weird, I guess." is his reply.

We call the cops and I give them a rundown of the situation, from the beginning with the Coffee Shop, the murder of both the homeless woman and Jennifer, to the house and almost kidnapping.

They're taken away, Marvin looks like he's bjustvseen a ghost and Mitch is rather delirious.

I walk home without either of the boys.


So I have some info.

A. The book is slowly coming to an end.

B. There will be no sequel.

C. The last couple of chapters will recount everything that's happened.

D. There will be an epilogue.

E. I might start another Locklyle fanfic? I've been going over some ideas.


Also please don't pay attention to any mistakes! Revising isn't easy on a phone!

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