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I have my plan. I just need to get George to help me get Lockwood to agree with it. We all know how that asshole has been treating me lately. Like a puppy.

"Hey, George," I say, walking into his room and pretending not to be bothered by the stench, "i have a plan."

He perks up.

"Shoot." he replies.

"We both know that he works during the day, right? So, I'm going to be bait." I start.

"Lockwood isn't going to let that happen."

I glare at him until he finishes.

"Lockwood can go suck an egg. You two are going to be there, anyway."


"I was thinking that Lockwood could hide in the storage closet that is next to the booth in the far back. You can hide in the bathroom." I respond

"What if Mitch manages to grab you and lock the door before the two of us can help you?"

"Well, I'll have a concealed knife. In my boot, so that I can defend myself if it comes to it." I answer his question.

"When are you planning to do it?"

"I was thinking tomorrow..."

"What are you planning to do after he sits down in front of you or whatever."

I was thinking that we get someone else... Flo, for example to hide somewhere else in the shop, and lock the front door. Then, Lockwood can do whatever the he'll he wants to Mitch. And then, we kidnap him to get our money." I finish my plan.

"Wow Lucy, I forgot about the sadistic side of you."

"I think everyone does, George."


"No. I will absolutely not let you put yourself in that situation!" Lockwood yells.

"That sucks Lockwood. I've already made up my mind. I'm doing it, whether you're there or not." I reply calmly.

"I-i'll fire you, Lucy!"

"Go ahead and fire me. Your best agent. See what happens." I respond icily.

"I will never forgive you if you fire me, Lockwood. I will never, ever come back to this agency. I don't care if you think you love me. If you lived me, you would let me get rid of a stalker that's trying to take me from you."

He shakes his and looks up atvme, a solemn expression on his face.

"That's what I'm scared of, sweetheart. I could never live without you, especially knowing that I could've done something to stop it."

He stands and begins to walk nearer to me. My back pushes harder against the wall I was leaning on.

"Then come with me. You'll know I'm safe if you're there."

"No. I'm going. I'll be the bait." he tries.

"You know he won't fall for that. If anything, he'll just kill you."

"You know I would die for you, Lucy."

"But, Lockwood, I would never let you."

I push away from him and walk towards the kitchen where I know George is.

He tries to say something, but I cut him off.

"He didn't agree. It's happening anyway. Find Flo and tell her the plan. I'll take care of everything else."

He looks at me and rushes out of the room.


It's about no in and the three of us, George, Flo Bines, and I are standing outside of Mitch's diner, Mitch and Marvin.

"So you know the plan, right?" I ask the two of them.

"Yup. George hides, crazy comes and tries to kidnap you, and I lock the door before the three if us knock 'em' out." Flo quips.

I nod, a sarcastic smile on my face.

The door starts a jingle as the three of us walk in, I walk proudly with my head held high while Flo and George walk quickly and unseen. They hide, I sit in a back booth and wait.

I take a look around, there's not much to see.

A display case with various cakes and a small menu with different types of coffee and tea scribbled out with chalk. There's a cash register and a bathroom, and then there's a couple of tables.

As I'm looking out the window behind me, I feel the table shift a bit and hear the sound of the fusion deflating as someone sits down.

"You've figured out what's going on, haven't you." a voice says.

"I believe I have. And I want to know why you think it's a good idea to stalk me." I reply.

"You're interesting. Barely a woman, yet, you can take out grown men like it's no big deal."

I smile at him.

"I'm an agent. It's my job to get rid of all sorts if horrid things. Sometimes they're not just ghosts."

"And then you're talented. The great Penvelope Fittes can see that." he adds.

"What can I say," I start, keeping up my nonchalant air,"I was born with it. Can't say I wanted sit on the first place."

"A blessing and a curse?"

"You could say that. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like to deal with hearing sob stories and threats out of ripped moths and bloody faces as dead people for a living." is my response.

He leans forward and puts his head in his hand as he stares at me.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"I'm 37."

"I think it's quite creepy that you've been trying to rape a teenage girl for the last two years."

"That's what they all say."

I nod my head.

"What's your favorite color?" he asks me.

"Red. Deep red. Like the color of blood."

"You were just complaining about having to see that color almost every time you take up a case."

"I never said I was complaining." I respond.

I smile.

He smiles back.

"You enjoy it, don't you. You enjoy being able to save everyone's lives. Being a hero. You've never had a hero, have you?" he questions.

I smile and think about a time I almost jumped into a well.

"I have. And I think I love him."

He frowns deeply, the anger evident on his face.

"Lockwood, that son of a bitch." he see seethes.

I glance up and look to where Flo has emerged. She sees my look and locks the door.

My smile widens.

"And your ass is about to pay up. Remember that deal you made." I say as I walk up to him and press my knife against his neck.

"That wasn't me." he chokes out, "it was him." he points at something behind me.

Another man, who looks exactly like the man in front of me.

"My name is Mravin. His name is Mitch. You thought you had everything, sweetheart."







Ps, there's going to be mistakes. I can't revise on my phone...

Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now