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"What the hell are we going to do?" I say solemnly, not entirely used to the situation at hand.

"This is NOT a we situation," Lockwood begins, "this is a situation the police need to get involved in!"

"Police will only make it worse." George says softly.

"They'll won't let us continue to take cases for months, or forever." I continue.


"Lockwood we can't risk that!" I interrupt.

"We also can't risk your life! You're my agent, friend, and I lo- love your ability to think calmly in situations like this!" He stutters.

"We've gotten rid of the ghost at the shop, and now we can get rid of Lucy's stalker. We've gotten through so many things before, and I think that a little, puny human isn't going to stop us. Lucy's a trooper, and she can get herself out of harm's way. All we have to do is lure this Marvin dude somewhere and ambush him. We can just quickly knock him out with a heavy blow to the temple and we'll all be safe. He'd have met Lucy and we'll get the money." George remarks quickly.

"God Dammit George you couldn't've had this idea AGES ago?!" Lockwood questions.

"I mean, I've had the same thought for a while now. I just figured your crazy-ass overprotectiveness would've told us no, and we'd have not been able to actually get rid of Marvin." I add.

"I don't like it much, but I guess we'll have to go through with it. I'm sick and tired of this bull shit."


Lockwood finally let us go to bed, telling George and me that we'll talk it over in the morning when we're all functioning properly.

I try to fall asleep, but something is on the edge of my mind. It's that damn tattoo. Mitch- I mean- it can't just be a coincidence that Mitch shows up when the three of us are almost at his door, he moves in across the street (where I must say that he has easy access to just casually walking across the street and checking in on us), and he has a tattoo OF MY NAME. But again, Lucy is a very common name. But there are too many factors going into this to make it just a coincidence. What if Mitch is this Marvin.

I mean, it would make sense. An obsession with me, aka the tattoo, wanting to spy on me, Aka moving in across the street, and hiding things and info from us, aka when 'Mitch' stopped us from going inside of his house.

If it's one thing I've noticed about the man's schedule, it's that he's not here during the day.

What if we, the three of us, went across the street, picked the lock, and did some basic investigations on the house.

If he catches us, we could just tell him that we have to check out his place by law. He wouldn't be able to tell us no because we're agents.

Honestly, we need to do it.

And if I want things to happen, I need to put the idea out there now. And only one person would agree with me right now, and that would be George.

That means going into the land of the unknown; George's room.


I silently step from Lockwood's room, and make my way towards George's. He's never let anyone in his room, and I'm apprehensive to what... awaits me.

Knowing that Lockwood is a light sleeper, I'm extra quiet so that he doesn't barge out of his room swinging his rapier around thinking that I'm an intruder.

I'm in front of the dark wood door that leads to George's domain, and realize that it's locked.

Cursing silently, I look around the place and find a small screwdriver sitting on an empty shelf.

I pick the lock and, I'm in, wrinkling my nose for the sour smell that hits me like a brick.

I now understand why he never let any of us in his room: for our own good.

His room is laden with dirty plates, old candy wrappers, and underwear that practically stiff with over use. I try my best to not trip over the overflowing hamper that's casually placed in the path from his door to his bed, and ignore the stink resonating from-everywhere.

I shake him, to no avail. Damn this boy is a heavy sleeper.

So, I slap him.

"Ugghh..." I hear him moan.

"Are you awake?" I question him, amused.

"No. And neither are you."

"I know who Marvin is." I test.

This wakes him up.

"Tell me more," he begins, "But first, tea."


"So you think that Mitch is Marvin?"

"Pretty much."

"I mean, it does make sense. Marvin's overwhelming obsession with you, Mitch's tattoo. The need to keep us out of his house..." He ponders a moment more.

"We need to check his house out," He checks his watch "Today, I suppose. It's 3 in the morning, Luce. We need to be in bed."

"I know. But I'm still wide awake." I reply.

"Go see if Lockwood wants to do a little jig under the sheets with you. That'll make both of you guys tired enough to sleep 'till Thursday."



I eventually fall into a relatively light sleep.

"Luce, sweetheart, stop dreaming about me and get up." Lockwood whispers annoyingly into my ear."

"Oomph" he groans as I sock him in the head with a pillow.

"Always ready for violence, I see."

I eventually decide that he's too annoying to ignore, we make our way towards the kitchen and begin planning what we're going to do.

"So, we break into Mitch's house in the middle of the day to investigate a half-assed attempt at believing this man is Marvin." Lockwood questions, raising one of his perfect eyebrows.

"It sounds bad when you say it like that..." I retort.

"Doesn't matter" he turns around d and flashes a dazzling smile at me, "I think it's a grand idea."


We've made our way to Mitch's house, rapiers and daggers and such, and are discussing who should go in first.

"If I go in and he's in there, it'll give him a shock to see we've figured him out." I say.

"But he might not be there." Lockwood points out.

"And if he is, he'll be expecting us." George adds.

"I'm going in first." I exclaim, ignoring their protests and opening the casually unlocked door.

And I really wished I hadn't.

George lets out a whistle of shock from the sight unveiled.

The first thing you see when you walk in the door is a badly painted wall, covered in newspaper clippings of Lockwood and Co., and then you're led to a smelly hallway. From this hallway, you end up in a living area.

This room isn't so sketchy if you don't point out the ripped furniture and stink coming from the multiple plates stacked on the coffee table and couches.

Oh, and the fact that the walls are thoroughly covered in my name written over and over again in black paint.

From the living room there's a bathroom that we don't dare go into, and a master bedroom.

The bedroom chilled me right to the core, for the walls surrounding the bed are covered ceiling to floor with pictures of me.





Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now