6. Who is he?

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Hello, lovelies.

 I hope you are doing awesome.

 Here is another chapter of "Manan: Conflicting Changes.

Happy Reading. :)


6. Who is he?

The three gorgeous girls successfully ruined the neatness of Nandini's room in her Mansion. Nandini always makes sure that whatever it may be but it should be perfect. Always decent and neat. As she is raised by the lovable parents where they teach their children ethics and morals with love but not with some who can't even spare their time to their own children like how Mukti and Riddhima grew up. 

Mukti does not have a correct and rightful upbringing. Her parents are always busy in their money-making world where they forgot about a little pure soul. They say that parents will be the first role models for children, but when they are only on the wrong track, what can a child learn from them? No parent's time, no love, babysitting by strangers and no care, that's how she grown up resulting in her becoming a badass rich spoilt brat. When parents don't care about their own blood, then how the hell did she supposed care about others. That's how she was. Ruthless, Arrogant bitch. She faced so many downs in her life but in all those she had Nandini and Riddhima as her father is friend of both Nandini's father's and Riddhima's father's friend as they all belong to the same world and that is rich businessmen world.  And then her knight in the armor is Abhi. He and his irrevocable love completely changed her. Mukti is reserved and does not allow anyone that easily to cross her wall but once she allowed them, then there is no backing off.

Coming to Riddhima Gupta, she lost her mother at a very young age but her father has always been a great dad to her. He loves her so much and used to give a lot more attention to her. So that his daughter won't become a mother-love-deprived soul. He pampers her a lot. A lot. And that's where he went wrong that his daughter became a rich spoilt brat. She always gets what she wanted in seconds. She is stubborn, party animal and shopping lover. She loves her friends because only they can bear her on this whole planet. But at the end of the day, she is a daddy's little girl.

Among these three of them, Nandini is the luckiest one as she got both parents who are happened to be the best parents. Because of being motherly love deprived children Mukti and Riddhi are a lot more connected to Nandini's mom. Even she treats them equally and lovingly. So, from childhood, they used to spend their most time in Murthy's Villa only. 

That's how their bond got to strengthen and now they can go to any extent for their friends. And we clearly know how the typical bffs in girls will be like sleepovers, shopping, dancing like hell, trying to hook you up with your crush, after break-up cursing your ex, sharing every single thing even though some disguisting things too and cracking the nastiest jokes. That's how they are and that's how the besties behave.

Am i right or i am right, guys?

Coming to present, Nandini's room is no looking less than a complete mess. Everything is messed. Nandini is sitting on the floor in the middle of her room and all the school photo albums, photos on her around. She is wearing a pair of shorts and top, hair in a messy bun. She is checking every male friend in the albums and trying to remember about their whereabouts. The floor is completely filled with all the albums, photos. 

Coming to Mukti and Riddhi even they are struggling. Mukti is on the bed sitting in her nightdress with all the slam books. She is checking every guy in her class. 

And Riddhi settled on the couch with her laptop checking their schoolmates in every fucking social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on. Even she is trying hard.

When they got the mobile numbers, they called every male classmate of theirs and asked about their whereabouts even though at sometimes it used to become very awkward like calling a schoolmate after 4 or 5 years suddenly is really seems odd. Even though they did, but still they didn't got the desired result.

The three of them are very determined to find the "Stranger". But how can it possible without rekindling all there childhood memories when there is so many moments in front of them. Nandini used to say something like "see, how he is sitting in our group photo" with that a  lot of memories by sharing the moments about that pics. Mukti used to say something from the slambook "see, he wrote he wants to become a chef but now he is a doctor" with that they used to rekindle about how their aims were so silly back then and how they are in different zones at present. And then Riddhima used to show them the pics of their school mates in social media and discussion started like "omg, he is looking so good now" or "nah, he is still a nerd" or "he is so changed" and like this goes on.

They discussed their silly fights in their high school, their rivals batch, games, famous couple of the school, nerds, toppers, backbenchers, prom and every damn thing. They laughed, giggled and pulled each other legs that they actually forgot the real reason behind this rekindling memories.

Suddenly annoyed Riddhima said "Yaar, who the hell is he?"

Then to her response Mukti responded "Whoever he is, he made all of us smile, he made all of us rekindle our memories. It is like going back and experiencing all those moments all over again"

Riddhima supported her "Indeed it is, he made this day so special. But who is he, man?" she said the last line in a bit of frustration.

Observing Nandu who is sitting calmly but in deep thoughts Mukti asked her "Nandu, what do you think about him as you are the one who got the call?" and Riddi said "Yes Nandu, what are you going to say when he called you this time?" curiosity and tense is clear in her words.

Mukti and Riddhima are staring at Nandini quietly expecting an answer from her. But Nandini is still in her deep thoughts but after a brief time, she came to a conclusion.

"Actually guys, no matter how much we tried we can't find him because he is really a STRANGER," Nandini said it clearly and confidently. Confusion and disbelief expressions played on the remaining both of their faces.


Hello, again.

I hope you like this chapter, i know there is no manan but it is important to know about the three girls.

And now it is time to play with our Manik baba by Nandini. What do you think she will do?

Thank you for sparing your time guys.

Keep smiling all.

With Love,


Manan : Conflicting ChangesWhere stories live. Discover now