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Hey, everyone. Sorry for being late!!

Thank you so much for your love. And yes, please do vote because it is the only way to make me know that you guys are into this story so that I can write more.

Happy reading:)



As Nandini settled herself with some of our new girl staff at some corner in that pub, her eyes unintentionally traveled to a person whom she wants to destroy. The first step towards her mission completion is that double promotion which she gave him, she wants to take him to the peak of his happiness cliff and then push him from there to so down that it will be impossible for him to again climb and enjoy his happiness. 

Even this party is arranged by her to just know that how much he is going to enjoy but then as her eyes keenly observing him, he was there, far from her with a glass of wine which he is spinning by taking a seat in front of the bar uninterestedly. She knows that this promotion means a lot to him as he always used to complain about his head manager to her daily. But then now he seems unhappy, maybe this is also a lie or whatever she doesn't know.

When she is busy in her thoughts, she observed that his seat is now empty and exactly then her secretary came up with her mobile which is ringing, she really got shocked when the display is flashing his name but he said that he won't call her again.


No, this is her personal number to which he got connected, not the professional sim 2 number which she has given to her all office and family members. Confused, she excused herself and attended the call by going to the corner and she realized that yes, she is right. She is correct that this promotion does means to him and he really is missing her. But then it may be because he got habituated to her or maybe just another plan is going on in his mind. 

Who knows!! 

But she certainly knows that her heart is broken and he is the one who did it, on the top of it he doesn't even care about her, not even a second.

But his voice really seemed convincing and then, it's twelve. Everything she planned to do on this day has taken another unexpected turn but then it is still his birthday and right then she wished him. He got his first birthday wishes from her this year also he did that much to her on her birthday.

God, even she is in dilemma.

Happy birthday Manik!! she said to him and he really felt surprised because for the first time he forgot his birthday due to all the chaos around him happening from the last few days and got his birthday wishes from the person whom he hurt the most.

"My birthday?? How can I forgot my own day and of all the people, I never expected you to remember this. Even after this much i did to you, thank you so much Nutella"  he said by clearly showing his emotions in his words and he knows that she will get them, after all, she is the one whom he is missing so much.

"Friends does remember their friend's birthday" she whispered to him getting to the point that knows the tables had turned and now she is the one who is going to play the game.

 "So, we are friends again?" he asked her because of it unbelievable to him too that she saying he is her friend when in reality he thought she won't even get ready to talk to him again but then she proved him wrong. She really is a package of surprises.

"Yes.Congratulations Manik for your promotion. Bye for now" she said and he screamed in phone saying "Thank you so much, Nutellaaaaaaaaaa!" with that she hung up the call and well coming to Manik, now he seemed happy.

Manan : Conflicting ChangesWhere stories live. Discover now