3. Hope

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* Sharon *

Life had been smooth since the engagement ceremony just for one reason: two weeks, two weeks passed since I last saw him, it was on that function, he was there, broken. I have known him since forever; I have seen him growing up; I have seen him graduating; I have seen him going for his first date; I have known every single thing about him, yet that night he was mysteriously unknown to me, he had concealed him from me but just by looking at his eyes I knew he was hurting, I have been doing that for a long time now.

"Sharon," Someone called me, more like murmured.

My whole body came alive with that voice, I didn't need much time to realize that it was him, Swayam Shekhawat, my unrequited love, until he confessed. He became the one I could never have in my life, we both accepted that we were never meant to be. How someone could possibly love his brother's girlfriend, oops I would like to correct it, brother's fiancée.

I looked up gathering all courage I could at that moment, he was standing there, in front of me in his glory. The tight smile on my face widened slightly when I took a minute to look what he was wearing; the grey colour suit perfectly clung to his body. I smiled at the memory; at that cute irritation, he had on his face on that day when I pushed him into the changing room.

"Thinking about that day?"

An amused smile formed on his lips, making me stare at his gorgeous face, he was adorable in every sense, that cute dimples on his cheeks shouted his innocence, his playfulness, he was childish in every way possible but the maturity he had was incredible.

The world seemed blank to us, the people around us seemed ignorant to us, and we forgot the audience we had. Staring at him, I saw the changes, there were some changes in his appearance, his eyes looked almost dead, it was emotionless, the slightly grown stubble added maturity to his face. I imagined me touching them. How creepy that sounds? Still, I wanted to do that.

I have not realized when I raised my hand to feel them, but the moment was never meant to happen.

"Which day?"

My fiancé decided to break my moment, the curiosity was evident in his voice. I felt bad for that man, he loves a girl, who doesn't even have the heart to make a place for him, the heart he wants to have belongs to his brother. How ironic!

My hand froze in the middle air; I was frozen on my spot. The reality check was hard; as if even God was against me being with Swayam. A cold hand slightly touched my shoulder causing me to come out of my dazed world, from the tingles I felt I knew it was Swayam who touched me.

What? I have known him since I was in diapers, so obviously, I was used to his touch, but the tingles were new.

"We were just talking about the day we went for shopping to buy this suit," Swayam answered pointing a finger at his perfectly ironed suit.

"I'm quite sure, Sharon selected it, Am I right?"

Shivam walked towards my side with a cheeky smile after sharing a hug with his brother. To my surprise he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me towards his side tightly, I could feel a possessiveness in that hold. I did not know Shivam could be possessive, and the hurt ran across Swayam's face was easy to read, his eyes stayed on Shivam's hand, which was on my waist.

"Yeah, she did."

Cold, his voice was cold. His eyes still stayed on my waist, while Shivam's were on my face.

"That's cool; my fiancée has a good choice, just look at me."

I mentally cursed him for his wrong timing, I did not choose him, and he did. He did choose me.

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