9. Inevitable

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Two days passed since Swayam left, and there was not any sign of him yet, I waited and waited, he did not reply to my millions of messages; neither had he picked up my calls. He just vanished. There was not any sign of Sneha too, and that made things worse for me. When I inquired at the office, I was informed that he went to a meeting in the next city, as he wanted to complete the project before the stipulated time.

He just wanted to leave as soon as possible, he just wanted to stay away from me, that's what all I could fathom from it, and it hurts.

I could not completely recollect what happened in that night, I tried to connect the dots but some points were still blank. After so much of pressure I put on my head, I just remembered some bits here and there. I was drunk, I asked him to drink also, I even remembered that I was at a park, he came to take me, he brought me to his room, and the step I took, that I kissed him. Moreover, there was a moment when I asked him to make love to me, but I don't know whether we did that or not. The message I send still shows read but not replied. I have got a faded idea, that I asked him to make love to me, I didn't regret even a bit of it when I recall it but seeing the way Swayam avoiding me, I could say, he did... he did regret what happened. I want to confront him, but only if he come back.

He just disappeared.

Last two days, I went to the office alone, I was used to his silence but I wasn't to his absence. Since the day we reached here, we never had a full on conversations, we were just being acquainted with each other, but his presence was there. Now when he is not here, I want him near me.

While checking for any messages from Swayam, I entered the office premises to be called by Mansi, our receptionist. I looked up from my mobile; she was standing there behind the reception with the telephone receiver in her hand, a small smile adorned her face, forcing me to smile at her. Mansi is a sweet woman in her late twenties. I got close to her enough in the last weeks, she was married and a mother of twin girls.

"Good morning." I walked up to her and stood at the front desk.

"Good morning, Ma'am" Her smile widened and I frowned at her in confusion, not knowing the reason behind her happy mood.

"So, what's the matter, you look so happy?" I inquired as I placed my bag and mobile on the table, near her counter. She placed her hand over the receiver covering the portion to we usually talk, clearly making sure that the person on the other end doesn't hear us.

"Call for you." She mouthed quietly. Her eyes twinkled with happiness, and I stood there perplexed.

Who would call me on this line?' I looked at my mobile, feeling bad for that piece of creation.

"Ma'am, please take the call, he has been waiting for a long time." Mansi urged me and extended her hand for me to take the receiver.


Swayam' the first thought came to me was he, then Shivam. However, why would they call to the office? I was skeptical to take the call, and I did not know why. I was scared of the aftershocks.


There was a silence on the other end, but I could hear the deep breaths the person was taking. I didn't need any clarification from the person to know that it was Swayam, I could even recognize his breaths, Creepy right... Nevertheless, I do.


"Yes." He replied.

"Where are you?"

He again went silent and my patience level touched the sky. Throwing the entire good manners, I had, out of the window I exploded. "Where the hell are you?"

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