12. Broken Trust.

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"Shivam, you know there is something I want to tell you, Hmm....actually I...have...be....en in lo...ve...I mean I ha...ve been in love with... you know, hmm Sh...sha...Sharon."

I spoke to my reflection in the mirror for the eleventh time in that evening. Despite how many times I practiced, at the end of the section where I come to the truth, I just end up stammering. I spent the whole evening in front of the mirror in my washroom, and still, I just could not gather any guts to go up to my brother and confess the truth that had tied us all together in the predicament.

"What the hell Swayam, what the heck was that? Why are you stammering?" I asked myself the same question again. After taking a puff of breath, I released it through my mouth relaxing. "You can do this." I mentally prepared. "It is easy, just go and speak your heart out, he will understand, Swayam."

It is not easy, as it seems. I think I should call Rey.

I walked out of the bathroom to my room; taking the mobile from the bedside table, I dialed my best friend's number.

"Hi Rey,"

"Hi," Rey responded, surprised.

"How are you?"

"I am fine, but why did you call?" There was a strange tone in his voice; I could feel something was wrong.

"Is everything ok there?" I inquired while walking towards my balcony.

"Yeah, why would you ask that?"

"You are sounding weird."

"Nothing much, just so everyone is excited about the marriage, you know...they are waiting for you three."

I tensed again.

"Ohh, by the way, I called you to ask something."

"Ha, what is the matter?"

"Actually, I'm thinking to tell Shivam everything." I bit his lips after those words escaped.

"Are you sure?" He was surprised, but his voice came out as concerned.


"I told her Rey, I told her everything." I looked up at the sky, feeling vulnerable, the day almost came to an end, and the sun had gone to the horizon.

Rey went silent, scaring me.

"Rey, did you hear me? I told Sharon everything about my past." I continued when Rey did not react.

"Yeah, I heard, but I am just surprised. What did she say?"

I heard some shuffling voices from the other side. The marriage arrangements are happening there.

"That I have to talk to Shivam."

"So you suddenly can't see anything but Sharon." Rey accused, at least that is what I felt.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what about Shivam? He will be heartbroken." His voice was low, almost unclear.

This time I went silent.

"You know, he was hurt when he got to know that Sharon have feelings for someone, but he will break down when he comes to know that, the guy is you."

I know, Rey was not trying to discourage me, but he was just trying to give me a moral support. He has always wanted Sharon and me to be together, but he never wanted to hurt Shivam.

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