8. Raw Love

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That night changed everything; shattered every relationship. A gaffe demolished a number of lives. It was an unintentional mistake. Swayam never expected anything that happened, neither Sharon. He never expected to get intimate with her, but their life had planned something tragic for them, the unintentional act had put them in a place where they couldn't even face each other anymore.

His eyes roamed over her body, not lustfully but lovingly. Her eyes were almost dropped, having not much energy to stay open, her black eyelashes merged into one, through the small slit he could see the glittering green eyes of her stare deep into the depth of his black ones.

The things happened fast, without giving much time to rethink what was happening or to realize that, they were doing wrong and they should not do that, but the urge, the love, and the desperation were so strong that nothing else mattered. More than a mere lust the need to be one exhorted them to do the worst.

She was intoxicated, but he was not. The pinky promise he did was broken, he didn't drink that night, he just sat beside her staring at her face until she pulled him towards her, where he could even see the freckles of her eyes, she blinked making him smile.

He shifted his position to make him comfortable, one palm pressed against the soft bed on her right side and with left hand; he held her left wrist.

"Swayam, you know this is wrong," Sharon mumbled and shifted her palms from her side to his shoulders, not realizing how hard it was for him to keep him under control. He thanked his stars for keeping him conscious if he had not he would have ripped the clothes she had and would have made her his in every possible way a man could.

"I know Sharon, this is so wrong." taking her hands from his shoulder he put them carefully on the bed; he raised his head and looked at her face. That was the first mistake he did on that night, the moment he faced her, the first string of his control broke.

He retraced his hand back to his lap from the side of her body and sat straight. "I will arrange medicine for you; you will probably have a headache when you wake up." Mumbling mostly to himself he walked away to search medicine. Taking it out, he came back and sat down on the bed beside her, after setting the medicine in a place that would be easy for Sharon to see when she wakes up.


"Sleep Sharon." He placed his hands over her eyes and said softly.

"You didn't drink, right?" she pouted and removed his hands.

"You will say thanks' to me tomorrow for that and please don't pout..." He said, rather requested, "Now sleep,"

His desires were already out of control, in a dimly lighted room, the gorgeous lady he ever met, lay on his bed, vulnerable, and in a state where she would not remember anything if he did something. Her smile, her cute chuckles and her every gesture urged him to let go of his values and make love to her, but his conscious mind never failed to remind him that he should not and he didn't, but she had something else in her mind.

His reveries broke when he felt a wet lip on his palm, Sharon kissed his palm lightly, making him shudder, and the naughty glint that her eyes displayed tugged the last thread of his control. She tugged his hand and intertwined their fingers, next moment her lips met his wrist. Nothing happened as they wanted, they did not want to do something erroneous and regret it later, but some mistakes are worth happening.

A few minutes later, Swayam found himself lying beside her and she hovered over him. His hands moved its own accord and stopped at her mid waist on the backside. Her hands held him tightly against her flesh; her right leg moved over and rested on his.

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