Eyebrows Deep

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Hello my lovelies. I know it's been an unforgivably long time and I am so so sorry. I just lost the motivation to write and it bothered me that I'd left this story incomplete. I'd started this when I was 16. Now 23 and almost finishing my Bachelors in Dentistry, I reread my first few chapters, I saw that they were rough around the edges but still something I could work with. I decided to complete my story and leave it out here in Wattpad for any of you to give it another chance. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed reliving these childhood fantasies of mine.

* Elis' P.O.V. *

"I'm hungry. I think I'll eat some chicken. Eli could you give me a chunk off your arm?"

I groaned and slapped my palm on my face. I wasn't going to hear the end of this. Tasha and Natalie had been calling me a wuss the entire morning because I didn't confess my feelings to Ari like I planned I would.

"What's that supposed to mean Tash?" Ari asks, confused.

She'd been getting confused a lot this morning because of them.

Tasha grins, looking at me, "Oh nothing. I'm just really disappointed with how much of a wuss your roommate is for-"

"For not uh... Taking up Tashas dare of doing ten squats in a row" I quickly say, glaring at Tasha the entire time.

"What?! You can't do ten squats?! That is really sad. How do you plan on getting a nice round ass like mine if you can't do squats?" Ari jokes, shaking her butt in my face making me want to grab it.

Easy there!

"Oh! Careful there Ari. You don't shake your butt in front of another mans' face like that. Unless it's Eli, of course. He probably wouldn't do anything because he's too chicken."

Hearing enough of it, I hiss at Tasha, "Can I speak to you outside?"

She bats her eyelashes, "What for?".

I helplessly plead her with my eyes and her face softens a little, "Okay. Excuse me people".

The minute we step outside I grab both Tashas shoulders, "Please stop the chicken jokes! I don't want her finding out!"

"You broke your word! The only reason I gave you Aris' location was so you could finally tell her how you feel! Why did you back out?" she lashed out.

I hung my head low and banged my the sides of my fists against the wall in aggravation,  "I was scared alright? And the moment didn't feel right enough. I didn't want to tell her when she was upset yesterday! What if she wasn't thinking straight and flat out rejected me?! Then what? I need the moment to be perfect okay?"

Tasha listens to me with an understanding smile, "I get it Eli. Just.. Don't worry about getting rejected. It's  important that you tell her, alright?"

I nod in agreement and we soon head back to the cafeteria.

I was determined to tell her as soon as I could. I'd go crazy if I  kept it in any longer.

I finished my lunch in silence while I wracked my brain for ways I could confess to her.

I think I'll take her out on a date and tell her then. But where? When?


*Aris' P. O. V.*

I tiredly run my fingers through my hair, tossing my books on the table and walking into the bedroom. I slip off my shoes and fall back on my bed.

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