Journal Entry 1

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It was a nice spring morning in where I live. The birds were singing and the sun was high in the sky. And I was late for school! I ran down the stairs of my house and ran into the kitchen. My brother took over the first floor bathroom and my mom took over the second floor bathroom. I wasn't going to the basement to use that bathroom cause I don't know what's down there. I turned on the sink and brushed my teeth. This is normal for me. I'm always late for school cause my dad never wants to drop me off, so I always have to catch the bus to school. After I brushed my teeth, I ran to the door, got on my shoes and black beanie Zelda hat, grabbed my bag and ran out the door of the house. I can't miss the bus, if I do, I would be walking to school, again!
I got to the bus stop. I looked at my watch and it said 7:50.

Dang it! I'm late! I cried.

The bus doesn't come til 7:55, your just fine.

I looked at the voice who said that. I couldn't tell if they were a boy or girl but they had short messy black hair with a bang going over their left eye. They had real pale skin with black eyes and black around their eyes. They wore a sleeveless turtleneck, black pants and black boots that looked like they were turned into skated. They looked about my age, 10. But, they were a little buff in the arms. They had a black bag around their chest. It was a Zelda bag. They liked Zelda like me then. I wanted to say hi but I got to shy. I didn't even know if they went to my school or not. I don't even know if their a boy or girl. So I just stood their quiet. It was awkward standing there and not saying nothing. I mean, I'm use to that. I don't have any friends. I sit on the bus alone while everyone else talk. They usually make fun of me though. I let them. I don't know how to speak up for myself, so I keep quiet. The bad thing is, no one sticks up for me. Not one. The people who don't male fun of me, they just sit and watch or don't even pay attention. They do nothing. I sighed as I heard the bus pull up. I looked back at the person that stood next to me. They put on headphones. Their smart. It's always loud on the bus.
The bus pulled up, but the person that stood by me starters walking away.

W-where are you going? The bus here I called out in shy tone.

I'm not taking the bus they said.

Not taking the bus? I whispered, then a spit ball hit me in the side of my head.

Hahaha! Laughers a boy named Vin.

I sighed once more and for on the bus. Once again, I sat in the back. Vin and his group of friends threw balls of paper at me, and spit spit balls at me. They took my hat and played monkey in the middle, with me being the monkey. I hated taking the bus, but I don't like walking to school. After I got my hat back, I sat back down and looked out the window. Oh, my name is Ben. I'm 10 years old. I love videogames, but I only get to play them if someone buys them for me, and the someone is me. I have short blonde hair with green eyes. I like to were big collar turtlenecks and beanie hats. I play a lot of Zelda games on my N64 I got from my grandpa. I stay in the house and play videogames while everyone else plays outside. This is why Vin calls me vampire. I stay in my dark room, and play videogames a all day and night. We soon got to school. Everyone ran off the bus. I followed.
I got to a school called Rosemary. The name is dumb but pur mascot is a knight. That's cool. But we don't know what he looks like. I would draw him, but, I'm shy to show my art. I went to my locker and put bag in there. Then I went to the classroom. I sat at my desk in the back of the class. I laid my head on my hand. I watched how everyone talk to each other. I sighed and some black catched my eye. I look to my side. The person from the bus stop was sitting next to me. And looking closer, it was a girl! A, pretty girl. I started to blush. Actually looking at them, she looked really pretty. She must been new her. I started to drowl, just a little. Then a spit ball hit me. I look at Vin. He gave me a death glare. I wonder why?
Soon the teacher came in. He had a small smile on his face.

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