Journal Entry 14

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The world's wants me to die. I have to go to school, alone. Myuesaki got sick and then soon got Shinto sick. Kyle had a dentist appointment and won't be able to talk for the rest of the day. I have to go to school now and probably get beaten to death. Shinto said I would be OK, nothing would happen to me if they know what's good for them. She was dead wrong.
It was a rainy day and I walked to school. I took the way behind the school because if the bus drove past me and everyone saw me, they'll be planing their attack on the way to school. I want them to have less time as possible to plan their attack. I soon got to school and just stared up at it. I could just see their faces when they find out Shinto and the others aren't here. Mostly Van's face. Evil grins will cover the whole class, and I was right.
I went inside the school and into the classroom. Now looked at me which was good. I sat at my desk and hid in my collar. Minutes past and people started to noticed that I was alone. No Kyle, no Myuesaki, no Shinto. People was whispering things like "Have you seen Shinto?" and "Where's Kyle and Myuesaki?". The teacher came in and started class. After 30 minutes of class the teacher left the classroom to go to the office. He told us to stay in our seats and stay quiet. We all nodded and he left. Once he stepped out the room everyone turned around and looked at me with smiles and straws.

Attack! Van said.

Balls can in all different directions. The just kept coming and coming. They laughed at while they did this. The whole class, turned on me. Everyone turned back around when the door sunk open. The teacher came and smiled at how quiet it was. Then he looked at me. I had spit balls all over me. He frowned and then went back to teaching class. He's not going to ask what happened?! Did the teacher turn on me too!?
After class was over it was time for gym and we played the worst game that gym teacher ever made. Every man and woman for themselves dodge ball. I came to class late cause I was trying to get all the dried spit on me. Coach made me do 20 push up. I fail bad. I barely could do 3. The whole class laughed as I tried to do them. After I finally got to 20 we played. Coach set out only 3 dodge balls out on the floor. If you got hit, you get out. Normal dodge ball, not when the whole class is out to get you!
The game started. Van and his friends grabbed the dodge balls and turned to me. I gulped hard. The game started and I ran for my life! I ran like RoadRunner on crack! But, Van chased after me and threw the dodge ball right in my arm. It hurt like crap. And the thing that made it worse, they all threw it all me at the same time. One if Van's friends threw it at my leg and I tripped and fell on my face. I got up and my nose was bleeding. Not bad but it was.

Ben your out! Coach said.

I sighed and sat in the bleachers. I put the side of my hand to my nose to try to stop the blood from falling. I tired to get Coach's attention but he ignored me. Now Coach is turning on me. Next round, the girls did the same thing to me. I was out again, with a bloody nose. 3rd round, same thing. But, I got bruises on my arms and face cause of how hard everyone threw.
After living threw gym, it was art. I cleaned my nose and tried to hide some of the bruises on me before going. In art the art teacher was actually awake and teaching us. He was teaching us how the use water colors. After telling us about the boring history about water colors we got to use them. He called my name so I can come up and get them. I shock my head no. He gave me a mean look. I got up and went to go get them. On my way back to my seat, Van decide to trip me. I fell on my face. I hit my mouth on the chair leg. Paint spilled all over me. I sat up. My lips were red and small cuts where on them. Everyone laughed. The teacher told them to be quiet but they kept laughing. I stood and picked up all the paint cups and put them on my desk. I walked out the classroom to go clean myself. I went to the bathroom and took of my green turtleneck. I kept on my white t-shirt. I cleaned the blood off my mouth and went to class. There I found my books all over the place and book bag straps were cut off. A girl was holding scissors and laughing at me. I gather all my books. They had covered some if my books in staples. I cut my hands and fingers. I got all of them and sat back down. I looked down at my sheet of paper and placed my bloody hand on it. At end of class I turned that in.
I dragged my bag out of class. Next was science and we had a sub so the class was going to go nuts. On my way to class Van pushed and got small hits on me. A girl tripped me half way down the stairs. I got bruises on my face and arms. They all laughed at me.
I got to science. The teacher said we could do anything we couldn't be loud or running around. I sat at my seat and tired to ignore everyone. They we throwing pencils, pen caps, and crayons at me. Van and some of his friends would punch me when they walked past me. They took my hat and played monkey in the middle with me as the monkey, again. They laughed and said I'm not with Shinto. The teacher was glaring at everyone but didn't say nothing.
Class ended and it was lunch. I dragged my bag to lunch and tired to sit by myself. But they followed just to mess with me. They threw stuff at when teachers wasn't looking. They tripped when I up to throw stuff away. I grabbed my bag and walked out the lunch room and went to the bathroom. I looked at my bruised face and body. I went into the cabinets towards the back of the bathroom and grabbed bandages. I covered the big bruises. I sat in the hall afterwards, wanting my friends.
Everyone beating me continued til the end of the day. I got more scars and bruises on me. They cut holes in my bag and ruined my hat by dropping into mud. I walked home in pain. All I want to do is go home and cry. I want Shinto. I want Myuesaki, I want Kyle, I want my mommy and daddy. It started to rain. I sighed and continued walking. The bus past and spit balls hit me.

Have a nice night Ben. You Nobody! Van said.

Your nothing with Shinto! Said a girl.

You die you punk! Said one of Van's friends.

They bus turned the corner. Tears filled my eyes. I dragged my bag home and went inside. Max came down the stairs.

Mom and dad won't be home til late. They said there's soup in the- Ben what happened to you!? He asked.

None of your business. You know how to use the microwave warm up your soup he said closing the door.

But Ben, your covered in scars and bruises he said.

I said none of your business! I'm going to my room. I said dragging my bag up the stairs.

I got to my room and closed my door. I screamed in pain and sadness. I fell to the floor and cried I curled into a ball and screamed and cried. I'm sick of the world. I'm sick the people in this world. I want people like Van to walk in my shoes for once. I want people like Van to get hurt. I want people like Van to feel the pain I'm feeling. I want people to be more like Shinto, and Myuesaki, and Kyle. People need to be more like Pan and Sal, Will and Fon, my mom, Mr. Vincent and Mr. Jason. Their nice to me and care about me. They'll attack someone in the blink in the eye if someone they love gets hurts. They have kind hearts. Why is the world filled with people like Van!?
After I had my mental melt down I did my homework and laid in bed. I watched the rain fall. They sad ran made me feel better, just a little. I held the Link plushies Shinto gave me close to me. My body still hurts but I started to feel better thinking about Shinto and all the people who care about me. Max soon came in and gave my a sheets of paper and walked out. I sat up and looked through them. They were drawings of me. Some from Max, Kyle, Myuesaki, Shinto, Mr. Vincent, Mr. Jason, Kenta, and people from Kenya's class. They all were drawing if me smiling. I smiled. At the back of Shinto's drawing was an envelope. I opened it and inside was a black jewel on a silver chain. A note said "To my best friend Ben." I smiled more. I put it around my neck and went to see Max. I hugged him and told him thank you. He hugged back. We eat dinner and played games. I put Max to bed and sat in mine. I looked through the drawings again.

Thank you everyone.

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