Journal Entry 15

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A/n: Warning: Don't triggered in this entry. Just don't! I actually love My Chemical Romance with all my digital heart. It broke my digital heart when they broke up! In this entry, at the time, my friend paid, you know, more attention to them then me! Which is bad! So again, don't get triggered. Please don't!

...........Why world, why do you this me!? Why do you bands have to exist? Why do emo bands have to exist? And why do they have to take Shinto away from me!? Why?! Shinto is going through some emotional phase, and I hate it! All she does now is listen to those emo bands. It goes the same for Myuesaki! All she does is cry about how bloated she looks. They both get anger quicker and once every month, for like a week, they go through some mode swing thing. One minute their happy and the next they want to rip me and Kyle's faces off.
I can barely form a sentence cause I'm scared to say the wrong thing to them. One month during that week thing I was talking about, I was sitting on the couch at Shinto's house. We we're watching some interview with a band called My Chemical Romance. I don't like them! They took Shinto away from me! All she does is talk about then to some other girls and boys at school who like them. All she talk about is that Gerard guy to them! I know, I know, it's a human thing to crush over someone, but she should be crushing over me, not him! Oh my god I sound like a crazy man... But still!
Watching the interview, she was blushing and smiling. She says his smile is so cute and blah and blah. I got mad and whispered "He's not that cute. He's ugly" not thinking she would here me. She heard me. She gave me that death glare she did last year. Remember, the one when she was trying to kill me, yeah that one. I quickly fix that with a kind but scared "Just kidding". She smiled and went back watching. I almost died cause I called this dude ugly. Kyle, thinks he's attractive and almost did the same thing to me! He almost murdered me in gym. Why do we play dodge ball all the time!?
My Chemical Romance have ruined my life! All my friends have turned against me! The took the one I hate, Kyle, the one that tries her darn best to hook me up with Shinto, Myuesaki, and the one that makes my heart stop every time I'm near her, Shinto, are just ready to murder me if I say some wrong.
Anyway, I asked my dad what might be wrong with Shinto and Myuesaki cause if their scary changes. He wasn't any help. All he said was go ask mom. So I did.

Mom, can I ask you a question? I asked.

Sure, what's wrong Ben? She asked.

Shinto and Myuesaki have changed. Every month, just for a week, their modes change. One minute their happy and the next they want to claw my eye ball out I said.

Oh, Uhhh. Do they some times come to school with stomach aches she asked nervous.

Yeah, why? I asked.

Uhhh, well, Uhhh. Your 10 right I asked.

Yes. I will be turning 11 in about 3 months I said.

Ehh, can you get Shinto's uncle on the phone please she said.

OK I said.

I knew something was up there and she's not telling me. I called Shinto and she put her uncle on the phone. My mom talked to Mr. Vincent for a while. She would look at me then back at the phone. She hung up the phone and turned to me.

Ben, we need to talk she said smiling awkwardly.

I sat. I learned stuff I wanted to learn and didn't want to learn. Like where babies came from! I didn't want to learn that... I really didn't. But at least I know what's wrong with Shinto and Myuesaki. Their going through "the changes". I don't like them. Now, I lay in bed, just thinking, how would the changes be like for me?

A/n: Hello people who didn't get triggered or who did get triggered but kept reading! I hope you like it! Sorry it's short. After that conversation, all I wanted to do is think about my life choices and about, what I just got done listening to. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed.

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