Journal Entry 4

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Shinto been mad at me for the past 5 days. She doesn't dare to look at me. Every time I try to call her, it goes straight to voice mail, and when I go over to her house to see her, her uncle, who she live with, lieing telling me she's not there. I really mad her mad. She really must didn't want anyone to she her hair and teeth. Vin called her train tracks and I bet people would of called her boy or mistaken her as a boy which she might not want. Everyone becomes scared once Shinto is near. They stop what they were doing and just stay still until she leaves. And in class, everyone tenses up once she's stands to talk, or even stand to sharpen her pencil! Everyone fears Shinto! Even some of the teachers. In gym, when we have to fence, everyone literally runs out the gym room when its her turn to fight. Coach asked us why we did that, but we never told. We were scared that if we told that Shinto was the reason, she might come after us.
And I think Shinto is out to hurt me. When I do fight her, she bends my arm in the other direction, or trips me so I bend my leg the wrong way, or trip me down the stairs, or anything that would try to hurt me in a way. And you might say, Ben, your over thinking this. She's not doing this on purpose. Well, let me tell you this. We went on a trip to a rock climbing place for school. They have different walls that you could climb and you could fall into a foam ball bit. Shinto pushed me off a 6 feet tall rock climbing wall. I was lucky I landed in that ball pit. I knew there was something up when he just sat up there and gave me that death glare again. And if this don't prove to you that she's out to get me, let me tell you this. Don't ever, give a angry Shinto, scissors. Actually, don't give her scissors at all. At art, we were making Halloween decorations for the schools Halloween Ball were having. So I was sitting, far away, from Shinto. I was cutting away, making a pumpkin, until a pair of scissors were stabbed into the wall behind me. And it was so close to hitting me to. I looked over to Shinto, who had a the whole container of scissors. She gave that death glare again. Even though I was scared out my mind, I put a smile on my face. I thought it would help, but nope. Scissors were thrown at me. It came for my head so I duck but my hat got to the scissors and got stabbed into the wall. Yeah, Shinto was out to get me. And if that's not enough proof, there's more.
I stood up to get my hat off of the wall.

Ben, stay still! Myuesaki said.

I turned around to get scissors thrown around me. The scissors made a out line of me. Like a police do when there's a dead body. Then she threw one more pair where the sun didn't shine. Good thing, I opened my legs before it hit me there. That could of been a bad idea cause were the scissors stabbed at, was right under, that place. Now, your asking, where's the teacher. Our art teacher is old, and he sleeps during to whole class time. He saw nothing. I could of died and he would of known how. Ben, R.I.P. Death my scissors. So yeah, Shinto is out to get me.
At the ends of the day, and Shinto walked home by herself. Myuesaki said that I should go over to the house and say sorry for taking off her hat and, calling her a boy. At first, I'm like, "Do you want me to die!" But also, I knew she was right. Shinto was my first ever friend, and I want her to continue being my friend. I don't want something stupid like this break up our friendship. Myuesaki and I walked home and I sat on my porch, trying to figure out how I was going to say sorry. But first, I had to get into the house. Her uncle might lie again or not even open the door. I stood up and walked to the their door. I knocked on it and out slowly opened.

Shinto! I said.

She was in a all black sweat suit and was holding a stuffed black bunny that had a stitch going across of head. It had long arms, legs, and ears, so she was dragging it pon the floor . She gave me that glare again. I was scared that she was going to us that bunny to kill me. Ben, R.I.P: Death my stuffed toy. Soon, a man with long red hair that was pulled into a ponytail walked to the door. She was wearing the same sweat suit like Shinto.

Shinto, don't leave the door open. Bugs can get..oh hello. Who are you? He asked.
Oh, uhhh, I am Ben. I got to school with Shinto. I said.

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