Journal Entry 17

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"What do you mean you left your journal at Shinto's house?" mom asked.

"The last time I went over there I took it with me. I don't know why I did I just did. I think I left it there and I need to get over there as quick as possible before she finds it and reads it." I said.

"Oh my god Ben." she sighed.

"Please mommy! There's stuff in there that she can't not know." I cried.

"But I'm busy." she said.

"You don't have to come with me. Just stand by the door and watch my go across the street. I will be in out. Please mommy!" I cried

       I got on my knees and hugged her leg and cried. 

"Ok fine. Let me save this files." she said sighing.

"Yes!" I said letting go of her leg.

"Faker!" she hissed.

"Sorry. I had to!" I said running up to my room.

       I got on some clothes and shoes and ran back down stairs. I got on my coat and ran out the door. My mom stood by our door and watched me go over to Shinto's house. I ranged the door bell and waited. No answer. I knocked and still no answer. I looked down and a piece of papper was on the ground. I picked it up and read it.

                                        "Dear mailman

                                         The family and I will not be a home for the day. If there is any mail, please

                                         leave it the following address. Thank your for your time and have a nice


                                        Jason Miksi                 

                                        Address- 780 south Vile street. House 19027

      I pouted and put the paper on the door and walked slowly back home. Mom noticed when I came back home. She petted my head and told me it's going to be fine. If Shinto did find it, as a good friend she wouldn't read it. I shock it off and went to my room. I didn't want to think about it at that point. I went back to my room and laid in bed and starting writing on another sheet of paper. I thought about all the different ways Shinto could of found my journal and read it. Will she keep everything she read a secret? Or will she tell Myuesaki, and Kyle? Her father, uncle, brother, Sal, Pan, Will, and Fon. Ohhh, Fon will be mad cause I like Kyle and not him. I mean, Shinto is a nice person. She will never tell my secrets. No matter bad and stupid they are. She haven't told anyone that I like to watch drama shows with my mom. But all the stuff in my journal, is some next level stuff. Will she be able to keep it a secret? I sighed. All I have to do is wait and pray she haven't found it yet.

Time past and Shinto haven't came home yet. It's past 9pm and no ones home. I kept myself up by playing Majora's Mask. Max time to time came in to see if I ever found it. And my answer to all those times was "NO!". When he left I would slowly tear up cause I keep thinking about what Shinto would think of me if she read my journal. More time past and it's not 10pm. My mom told me to go to sleep. She said it will be fine and don't worry about it. I didn't listen. I continued playing Majora's mask. At about 10:30 the door bell rung. My mom then soon called me to the door. I paused my game and went down stairs. Standing at the door was Shinto and Kenta.

"Hey Ben." Shinto said smiling.

"Hello." I said.

"What's with the long face? You'll usually happy to see Shinto." Kenta said.

"Why are you here? Go home!" Shinto said looking at him annoyed.

"Yeah, Yeah." he said walking from the door and across the street.

"What, brings you here?" I asked hoping she had my journal.

"Oh yeah. I bought you something." she said.

           Please be my journal!

"Here." she said giving me bag full of sweaters.

"Thanks." I said disappointed.

"Well, have a nice night Ben. And next time have a long on stuff like that. And also, you can't hide stuff from me Ben." she said walking home.

       I looked at her confused and looked at the bottom of the bag to see my journal with a gold lock on it. A small gold key was taped to the back. And something purple was sticking out my journal. I took of the key and unlocked the journal. I took out the purple thing. It was a folded cloth. I unfolded and it was a pink, purple, and blue flag. I started to blush. She knows. I closed the door and locked it. 

"What's that Ben?" My mom asked walking to me.

"Nothing!" I said hiding the flag.

            I quickly ran into my room and locked the door. I put the sweaters in my closet and my journal on my bed. I looked down at the flag. 

"She was going to find out sooner or later." I said.

          I smiled and hung the flag over by bed. I turned off my game and got into bed. I opened my journal and put the papers with journals on it in side. I went to a new page. Going i saw a small note.

                                               "Your secrets are safe with me Ben" 

"Thank you Shinto." I said and started writing. 

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