chapter 9

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Grace's pov

"Hey Grace, come join us for lunch."

"No bella (receptionist), thank you but you'll continue."

"You sure?"


It's 2:00, which means that Mr. Angry Bird would be coming from the meeting anytime now.

As soon I entered the office in the morning today,  Mr. Angry bird told me that we will be visiting the orphanage by 3:00. So here I am waiting for him to arrive.

I thought I will have to attend this meeting along with him, but he told me not too.

Do you think this will really work Grace?

I don't think so, I am SURE it will work. Thats exactly why I chose to take him to the orphanage. I believe, kids hold the power to make the saddist person smile. To heal a wounded heart. Seeing them laugh can make you forget all the evils in the world. Being around them is what paradise feels like.

The chain of my thoughts was broken when I heard someone yelling at me, and it does not take rocket science to tell that it was none other than my boss.


"Y-yes sir".

Why can't he speak like a normal person rather than yelling all the time.

"If you are done dreaming about your Prince charming then let's

Prince charming? I rather dream about cheese cake or perhaps mozzarella sticks....


"Yes sir."


Exactly after 15 minutes we reached our destination 'Angel Gaurdian Home'. The drive till here was really quite with both of us minding our own business.

As soon as I went inside, all the kids came running to me with huge smiles on their faces and hugged me. And I did the same.

I turned around with the intention of introducing Mr. Angry bird to kids, soon I saw him I burst out laughing. He looked like someone forced him to eat Hakarl.

Remember, mom used to say that it's rude to laugh on someone's miserable condition, especially on their face.

Remind me this for later. Anyways

"Kidsssss this is my boss
Mr. Angry bi..... I-I mean Mr. Ace, and sir this is Emily, Brandon, Zach.... This way one by one I introduced him to all the kids.

They don't seemed to be pleased seeing him.

Neither does he. Gotta do something.

"Come on kids he is not as bad as he looks, and well, he has got chocolates for y'all. And I think that's an enough reason to give him a hug."

I lied, but I did it with love.

As soon as I said this, all the kids jumped on him. And I could see slowly, little by little, a smile spreading on his face. And boy he looked cute. Cute? Where did this come from?

The person in front of me, smiling and cuddling with the kids is not Mr. Angry Bird. He is not the person, who just few minutes ago, looked like he would rather be anywhere but here.

The trance of my thoughts were broken as I heard the footsteps of Laila approaching me. She is a middle aged woman who is the caretaker of the orphanage and also my very good friend.

"Hey Grace, Even though the kids and I love to have you here, I was wondering, what made you come here on a Wednesday?"

Before I could reply, she saw Mr. Ace and totally ignoring me went to him.

I thought I was her good friend. But look at her, totally ignoring me for a stranger.

Maybe because he is cute.


I thought I should go ahead and introduce them, but before I could do that, Laila started speaking

"Mr. Ace we are really glad to have you here. Do you have any certain reason for your surprising visit?" She said in a very polite yet formal tone.

Do they aldready know each other? If yes, then how? They definitely don't seem like "friends" to me.

I decided to voice my thoughts, not realizing that while doing so, I just cut Mr. Angry Bird from talking.

"Do you guys know each other. If yes then how?"

"Mr. Grace, First, don't you ever cut me in between while I am talking. Understood? If not, then I might have to fire you." He said in his usual, authoritarian tone.

"And I am sure she has seen me somewhere in the tabloids. Not everyone is as dumb as you."


"Yes you are".

"No I am not."

"Yes you are."

While we were busy having this conversation I heard a very loud sound of laughter. And no doubt, all the kids were enjoying themselves.

Not wanting to have this conversation anymore, I decided to play with the kids.

Within minutes we all were playing.

When I asked Mr. Ace to play along, at first he completely denied. But I urged the kids to insist him, Knowing very well that nobody can deny these little angels.

After a lot of insisting, he finally agreed.

So now it's been three hours since we are continuously playing, catching cook, hide and seek and all the other games these kids are making us play.

And as for Mr. Ace, he, from nowhere looks like the Angry Bird. Infact, he looks just like one these kids, laughing and playing. And it seems like the kids have started liking him, hopefully not more than they like me.

Hey, I have all the rights to be jealous okay.

I don't know why, but at this moment, I wish Mr. Ace would always be this happy. Happy Suits him.

Unwillingly, but after three hours of unlimited fun and laughter we had to bid our goodbyes, as sir had a meeting to attend. But ofcourse, not before giving them their chocolates which I had got with me.

As we sat in Mr. Ace's black Lambhorgini, he all of a sudden said: "So you call me Angry Bird, huh?

Someone up there doesn't really like me.

"No." I quickly denied.

"No? You sure? Because I wouldn't be surprised."

"In that case yes, I do call you,Angry bird."

After some minutes of silence he again spoke and well, It's not always that I like when he speaks, but this time I did.

"Thank you. Today was, what they call, "a day" of my life."

And I simply just smiled.

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