chapter 15

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Ace's pov

"Liten Grace, let's not complicate this.. You and I we both know that we are married, now why... What... How doesn't matters. So coming to the point, from now on you will be staying in this room along with me. You don't have to do any of your "so called" wifely duties. I am on my own,have been since childhood and a marriage is gonna change nothing. And as for you, you can do what you want except that you won't step a foot outside this house without my consent. I hope I am clearly understood. Goodbye!"

This might sound rude but clearly I don't give a shit. And anyways it's not like this marriage means anything to either me or Grace. Are you sure? because apparently you didn't say this when you were gawking at her in her white wedding gown.

I don't care.

I had to marry her because unknowingly but I did something for which Grace would have to suffer the rest of her life. She would have been caught by that one person she has been running since forever. Her asshole of a brother.

As I turned around to leave Grace voice caught my attention.

"Oh ofcourse I get it my pati parmeshwar" (pati means husband and parmeshwar means God) FYI: thats what we call husbands in india

Pati... What?

"What? What did you just say?"

"Tula nai samajla ka?" Translation: You did not understand a what?

Why the hell she has to be so annoying?

"Grace I had enough of your nonsense, now if you have something important to say then open your mouth or else shut it"

"Oh no I just wanted to ask when will my cutie pie, peaches, oreo, cheesecake, cinnamon roll return?"

What what what WHAT?

"What? And who are you talking about?"

"Ofcourse you, my pati parmeshwar."

Damn... I knew she qas mad.

"I am sending you a number of psychologist, go and get your self checked tomorrow."

"As you say my cutie pie, munchkin, cheese....


Not having any brain cells left in me, I hurriedly left to my office.

Grace's pov

I sighed a breath of relief as soon as i saw him departing the room.

God alone knows how did I manage to speak, let alone speak all that shit.

Call me a bitch but nothing gives me more peace then looking at his annoyed face, so I guess it was all worth it.

But now that he is gone I can have a proper look at his room.

His room is coloured in grey and red and as for furniture there's only a couch which is again red in colour, his room's interior is similar to his office's. I wonder why? And even though I haven't seen the whole house properly yet, I am sure it's gonna be just as dull as his room and office.

Anyways I am glad that I have the freedom to do whatever I want, I am gonna take its full advantage. And I am definitely gonna go out without his consent.

But thats for future for now I need to change or else this wedding gown is gonna kill me.

It's now past 12:00 a.m and I am really really bored and hungry.

Should I call Ava?

Not now, call her when you are in a mood to answer the thousand of questions she is gonna throw on you.

Then I guess I will have to call her tomorrow.

Okay now its 12:30 a.m and I am bored from being bored and so now I am hungry. And uptill now I haven't seen or heard from a single maid. And god knows where Ace is. Not like I care though.

How do you even know that he has maids?

Because he is super rich and all rich people have maids. And plus I am sure he is too busy to cook or clean by himself.

Maybe they are on a holiday.

In that case I have to get my own food.

A/N : please ignore typing errors, has been written in a haste.

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