chapter 11

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Ace's pov

"The number you are trying to call is currently unreachable, please try again later."

Ughh... This stupid phone.

Please, please Miss. Grace just be safe, just for a few more minutes, and i'll be there.

It's been exactly 8 minutes since I am driving like a maniac and now, finally, I reached Miss. Grace's given location.

I got out of the car and was running like a maniac when a certain sight in front of me, made my blood boil with anger.

There, in front of me were 4 bastards all over MY Grace, as she was frantatically trying to free herself, while tears were continuously streaming down from her beautiful eyes.

I knew that I am definitely beyond mad at these bastards, but looking at Miss. Grace's face, I couldn't fathom the other, very unknown emotion building inside me.

Miss. Grace was so busy freeing herself from those bastards, that she didn't even notice me running towards her, but these bastards did.

Before they could even say a word, I pounced at them. Even though they were four of them, I knew I could easily handle them, considering the fact that I have done a lot of street fights and to top it all, these bastards were awfully drunk.

Within minutes, I had them all bleeding on the ground.

They don't deserve to be alive.

Without giving it a second thought, I removed my gun, which I always keep tied on my leg, luckily it had a silencer or else it would have definitely scared Miss. Grace. Using the gun, I shot three of them right on their heads. But unfortunately, before I could shoot the fourth bastard, he ran. If it wasn't for Miss. Grace, I would have chased that bastard untill and unless he was dead.

I called my men and told them to clean the mess.

As I turned to see Miss. Grace, something in me broke. Maybe a heart.

There she was, slid down leaning against the wall, breathing heavily, face filled with tears, as soon as she saw me approaching her,  she stood up, and then all of a sudden fell on her knees, and her sobs became louder than before, before I could say or do anything she began,

"P-pl-please le-leave me. I-I c-ca-cant ta-take this a-again. Please i-i be-beg you and plus i-i am al-aldready ra-raped I am n-not pure so I am su-sure yo-you won't w-want a tra-trash li-like me..... Ple-please do-don't to-touch me." She said with tears and fear filled eyes, sitting on her knees begging.

And unknowingly, looking at her in this condition, a tear strolled down my cheek.

At this moment, I don't know who she is. She can't be the Grace, who confidently yelled at me on our first meeting. She can't be the Grace, who was sitting on the desk and laughing like a maniac. She can't be the Grace who with her talks, and laughter, has made the office so alive. She can't be the Grace, who annoys me at a point, where I want to rip each and evey hair on my head. She can't be the Grace, whose eyes are filled with sparks. She can't be the Grace, with whom, I visited the orphanage, the Grace who was laughing and playing with the kids like she was their age. Because all i see right now, is a girl who is not even able to speak properly.

Not being able to move, I stood rooted at my spot and manage to say in a voice merely above a whisper.

"Grace, Grace it's- it's me Ace. And I promise, I won't hurt you. Just let me near. Please." I said in a weak voice, my voice matching hers.

She slowly looked up and shook her head in no, once again leaning against the wall.

"It was happeing all over again, the-their ha-hands were all over me, i-I need to-to wash, i-I need to clean."
She kept on repeating this sentences to no one in particular. It was like, like she was not even in this world anymore.

While I was thinking how to calm her, my eyes caught a pool of blood. And I saw blood ooozing from her foot, where a piece of glass was digging the flesh.

And that was it. Not caring what she has to say, I went near her and tried to remove the piece of glass. But as I raised my hand, she flinched. And all of a sudden stood up, and tried to run. But before she could even move a step ahead she fell in my arms.

This time I held her tight, not giving her a chance to escape, and said with a strong voice,

"Miss, Grace enough is ENOUGH. I am your boss ANGRY BIRD. And I..

With this said, she hugged me, which I gladly returned, and before I could say or do anything else, she fainted.

A/N: what do you guys think about this chapter? I hope it wasn't disapointing. So what do you think will happen next?

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