chapter 14

130 16 11

Grace's pov

"Do you, Ace Jackson , take, Grace Kennedy, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does you'll part."

"I do"

"Do you, Grace Kennedy , take, Ace Jackson, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does you'll part."

"I do"

No I don't.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

And just like this, in a matter of day my life changed forever. No matter how much I hate him or want to kill him I can't change the fact that now I am forever his.

I blankly looked at Mr. Ace not knowing what to do, say or even think.

Now when I look back I realize how stupid was I to take such a big decision in my anger. 

"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger." -Buddha
Now I can totally reflect to this saying.

"Gracie, what's wrong with you? Why the hell are you standing here like a statue? Actually... Why are you here on the first place? And why...

I simply hugged her and gave freedom to my tears.

"Ava I-I don't know what to do now. I am so stupid."

"Gracie, wipe your tears and tell me what is all this? I get a call from you saying it's a "life and death" situation and I need to come to the church asap. And then when I reach here practically getting fired I see you saying your wedding vows and that too with your boss, I am just too confuse. What is all this? And where the hell are your parents?"

"I thought this is the moment when you say "no matter what I'll always be there with you".

"Gracie, stop trying to change the subject."


"Ava I promise to tell you everything, but later. Right now, I need to go".

I turned to where Mr.Ace was standing just a few seconds ago but now that place was empty.

"He is gone."

Gone. Huh?

"Gracie he left the very next moment after the priest pronounced you'll "husband and wife". And you probably didn't even notice his absence because you were too busy sulking in your lala land."

He couldn't even wait a minute for me? What kind of a man does such a thing? Leaving his wife in the church the very next moment of their marriage?

Not saying a word anymore I left as fast as it was physically possible for me.

As I came outside the church I saw a familiar black car with a familiar person seated inside.

Why didn't he just leave? Asshole.

I guess I was done with today's drama so not wanting anymore of the same I simply went and joined him on
the backseat.

Luckily the drive till his house was passed in a pin drop silent.

As soon as Mr. Ace and I entered the house, he straight away went inside a room which I assume is his. Not knowing what to do standing out, I went inside too.

A/N : Sorry for the super short chapter, but I have been really busy lately.
Next is Ace's pov, where you will get to know his reasons for doing this.

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