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"Why did we stop?" Monty asked, poking his head forward into the driver's seat, looking over Clarke's shoulder.

He then looked ahead. "Oh" was all he said.

Octavia stopped next to the window. "I'll go ahead and see if it is thick enough to get across"

"No, Octavia, if the ice is too thin, you could fall through" Bellamy said.

"I'll be fine Bell" Octavia said, rolling her eyes a bit.

Octavia hopped off her horse, Mocha and tied him to a tree so he couldn't run away. She then climbed onto the back of Chestnut and eased her forward.

"Come on girl, it's okay" Octavia said, petting Chestnut's mane to calm her down. Chestnut eased forward until her and Octavia were standing on the ice, they walked out farther until they were about one hundred feet out in the lake.

Octavia slowly eased her way back and came back to the Jeep's window.

"Seems fine to me" Octavia said. "Didn't even crack at all"

Clarke looked over her shoulder into the back of the jeep where the others sat.

"Okay guys, we are going to continue and drive over the lake to see whats on the other side" she said. She looked forward quickly, shifting the jeep's gear out of park and into drive. Clarke eased out onto the frozen lake. The group in the back had all sat up, staring out the window ahead. Raven, Bryan, and Miller had opened the door to the back of the truck, checking for cracks in the ice. Suddenly a crack appeared, then another, and another, the bridge had begun to break to pieces.

"Clarke step on it!" Raven yelled.

"The ice is cracking, we are going to sink!" Bryan yelled. Miller grabbed Bryan and pulled him farther into the jeep. 

All around them, chunks of ice began separating and water gushed in through the cracks, as if they were finally free. Clarke slammed on the gas, driving in a zig zag pattern to avoid the shards of ice that now stuck up out of the lake.

Bellamy clung onto his seat belt for dear life as Clarke continued to dodge the shards.

"Do you see anything ahead?!" Clarke asked frantically, swerving to the left to avoid another shard of ice.

Bellamy peered forward,. looked at Clarke, and then looked ahead again. "I don't see any- Wait!" he continued looking ahead. "There!" he said pointing ahead. Clarke looked ahead and saw land.

"It's an island" Clarke said.

"Drive faster!!" Monty yelled frantically, his voice extremely high pitched form fright.

Jasper calmly sat in the corner of the jeep, almost prepared to die. Clarke tried to drive onto the land, just as a piece of ice broke behind them. The jeep's backside began sinking into the water.

"Everyone get out, quick, the jeep is going to fill with water!" Bellamy ordered, as he climbed out of the passenger seat. He helped everyone grab their things and jump out as the jeep sank in a smidge further. 

Clarke opened her door and tried stepping out.

"Clarke what are you doing? Get out" Octavia said.

"I cant my seat belt is jammed!" Clarke yelled. She pulled frantically on her seat belt buckle but it wouldn't budge. The jeep sank into the lake even farther, the water was now up to Clarke's ankles. 

Bellamy ran around to Clarke's side of the jeep and tugged on her seat belt a few times, as the water reached Clarke's waist.

Clarke's eyes were filled with tears. "Get me out of here!"

"I'm trying!" Bellamy yelled back, yanking on the strap. Someone handed him a pair of scissors and he cut the belt buckle and yanked Clarke out of the jeep just as the jeep sank completely into the water.

Bellamy laid on the ground, holding a shivering, wet Clarke in his hands. Pieces of her wet hair clung to her face and her clothes stuck to her skin. He stood her up, but she quickly collapsed to the ground, shivering, her teeth chattering.

Bellamy lifted Clarke into his arms.

"Let's find somewhere to go guys, and fast, we don't want to get hypothermia" Bellamy said.

"We have about three hours until it gets dark" Monty said.

"Well lets find somewhere to go, and fast" Raven said.

The group began walking, dragging their things behind them,  Bellamy and Clarke in the back.

"You don't have to carry me" Clarke said through chattering teeth, her lips had began to turn a shade of blood blue.

"It's fine Clarke" Bellamy said. "I'm just a prince carrying my princess home"

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