The last of us

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"Listen i've only got five minutes until i have to go..."

"But you don't have to go you could just stay here with me!"

"No i have to, its my time, and i only get it once."

"Ok, i. i love yo-


My loud and obnoxious alarm on my phone wakes me out of my romantic dream. too bad, it was going so well.

"Ugh dear mother of the heavens, would you shut up!!"


"Sigh... Alright i'm up.."

I role off my bed and lazily throw my hand on my phone, hitting the button to shut it up. then i drag myself to the bathroom and get in the shower.

5 minutes~

Tweet tweet, tweety tweet

I feel my phone vibrate at the noise as i haul it out of my pocket.

" Hey Aaron! can you believe its our first year of high school! Grade nine baby here we come!!"

I role my eyes and smile as i decide to text back.

"Yes sal i know, im sooo excited 😑."

"Oh come on Aary, be happy!"

"Yea yea, now i need to get ready text you later?"

"Sure bye, oh and meet me at the front doors?!"


I put my phone back in my pocket and go back to getting ready. hopefully i don't screw up like i did last year, i'll never ever forget what happened.

At the school~

I walk my way down to the boring flat cold pieces of concrete (also known as the path way to the doors) and find sally waiting there for me with Isabelle and Alex-(Alexandria).

"Hey guys! nice to see you all again."

"Ha ha very funny Aaron, we're all going to have a terrible year just like last year am i right Aary?!"

"Now alex, she won't do that again hopefully and if she does she'll get an award."

"Guys guys i promise you i won't puke in cafeteria food again, i know it took them five months to dis infect the cooking area but i'll make sure to puke in a different direction."

"Not only did you puke, you fell asleep on the floor 2 minutes after!!! Its amazing the friends i choose." blurted Isabelle comically.

"Yea yea, can we get past the past and come to the present? we need to get inside any ways, come on guys."

I dragged myself through the school doors with my friends close behind, and i had a strange feeling that someone was watching me. i get that a lot considering im paranoid about everything.

I took off my book bag and reached in for my text books when...


"Owwww, ooooooh man, are you ok?"

A tall boy with brownish blonde hair and silvery eyes said to me painfully.

"Uhhh yea, im fine i just need to get my uuhhhh stuff that i dropped."

We both dropped to the ground to pick up my stuff when...


"oh for heavens sake! we should really keep our heads away from each other, they re just not meant to be."

I paused and realized what i said and then turned rosy red, did i just really say our heads weren't meant to be! i must've sounded like a pedo.

"Uhhh yea your right, we shouldn't and nice way of putting it."


"No problem."

We stopped talking and stood up again staring at each other awkwardly not knowing what to say next.

"Well i should get to class....."

"Yea same, umm my names Casey."

"Oh i'm Aaron. again sorry for the head bumpy thing."

"Thats ok it happens a lot with me surprisingly, didn't mean for that to rhyme,"

"Hehe ok well bye!"

"Umm bye."

We both turned different directions as i faced my friends. they happened to be standing there the whole time! i just can't wait to hear what they have to say about that...

"Well well well, the shy girl found a clumsy man, its like love at first sight!"

"No more like when she turned red when saying they're not meant to be!"

I gave them a stare down of frustration, come on i'm sure they've accidentally bumped into someone before, but they have to pick on me for doing it.. Whatever.


The bell rang for first period. i had literacy......

In class~

"Ok class, would anyone like to read the first paragraph of edgar allen poe's tell tale heart?"

Nobody responds.

"Do i need to start voluntolding?"

Everyone nods.

"Ok then..."

She narrows her eyes and glares throughout the class room. she gives everyone a stare down when she finally stops at me.

"Ms. Aaron, would you like to read the first paragraph honey?"

I bit my lip annoyed by her nickname.

"Why sure, i would just gladly love to."

She roles her eyes.

"Ok just get on with it."

Before i can say the first word, the bell rings! thank the gods it did, cause i really didn't want to read out loud on the first day of school in grade nine. i'd be like the lamest student in the worlds history of lame students, even though im probably in it already...

"Sorry class, i'll make sure tomorrow we'll get to do more! now, Aaron could i speak to you?"

"Um sure i just need it to be quick my next class is in five."

"Ok i need you to go down to the office? someone is waiting there for you, i got a phone call right before class."

"Ok? do you know who it might be?"

"No, but it's important."

"Ok thanks see you tomorrow mrs.jamey."

"You too."

I rushed myself as i grabbed my books on my desk and ran out into the hall. it was crowded with people my feet couldn't seem to make out the floor as they swept through it like a ballerina.

"Hey Aaron!? is everything alright?!"

"Yep! gotta go!" i said while running.

Finally i slowed down when i saw my mother in the office waiting with a blank face. She seemed nervous when she heard me open the door.


"Yea mom?"

"You know how you brother was murdered a week ago....?"

I didn't reply.

"Well anyway the still can't find out what happened to him."

"You came here just to tell me that mom!" i had tears welling in my eyes. "you've been gone for five days just to say they don't know?!"

"Well no, not exactly."

"Well then what!"

"They found a letter with his body, and it may have clues on it that we can't see. i copied it for you to have one, but i need to stay in new york for another two months."

"Alright.." i had nothing else come out of my mouth after that.

"I leave in 20 minutes, so be good and make sure to look at the note ok? i love you, see you in two months."

I felt her walk past me and vanish behind the entrance doors. my face was streaming with tears as i ran out of the office with both hands cradling me.

I stopped for a moment and took my hands away from my face, i looked up and the first person i saw was Casey.


Hey guys! my brand new book was just created in 2014!!!! yay!


hope you all had a great one,

Thnx for reading


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