Chapter 11

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"Casey." said Elizabeth bluntly. "Don't forget who you work for."

"I didn't sign up for this, ever since i became immortal this is what you guys forced me to do! This isn't right, we take peoples children and test them, experiment with them, KILL THEM!" He walked right up into Elizabeth's face.

"Casey, Don't start this..... we both know how this could end."

"You're not taking our child."

"Oh this is new, so its 'yours'. You did the deal yourself? You'll never be Alikey Casey."

"Good, i wouldn't want to be that pathetic pervert anyway." He rolled his eyes and took a step back.

"Are you putting shame onto our breed Casey, i can sense the hate you're feeling."

"Good. At least i know your senses work, cause from what i remember, your b*tchy attitude took over your powers." I saw the fur beginning to break through his skin. Just before this got any worse i decided to interrupt.

"Casey, don't start this. There's too many children around." The fur went down.

"Sorry, i think its time for us to leave anyway."

"You're not going anywhere, not you, Aaron, or that thing." She said referring to my child.

"You mean Marley?" He said smirking.

"Whatever, its still part of the testing, don't get too attached or it'll break your hearts even more when we find you and take her!" Piped up Kim with an evil grin.

"Good luck." Smiled Casey and looked at me to hold my breath.

"1,2,3, time to get out of here." i closed my eyes and held the baby tight. I felt Casey's grip come around me as i turned invisible once more.


I pushed them aside without them knowing of my new contracted power, then burst out the door holding both Marley and Casey.

He directed me through different halls and lead me to an exit door. I exhaled all the air i had held just before i broke through to see the pure sunlight.

I watched Casey look down at Marley full of joy.

"So, she's ours?"

"Yeppers!" i laughed as we watched her yawn.

"Well lets introduce her to the world." He said and took a step away from the door. The sun shone across the land as for as the eye could see, whatever building we were at was on a high hill allowing full sight to our town.

"Right now we're at the CE building, Child Experimental building if you're wondering," he paused and frowned at the name. "So if you look down there-" i looked down and saw a small opening-"that small opening is the fort, and of we can get there before Elizabeth's and Kim's gang arrive to kill us, we should be safe for a few days."

"Thats always a delightful thing to here just after you had a child and are running from two psychopaths."

"I know, i'm a genius." he laughed.

"Well, show me the way."

2 hours later~

I had Marley tied around my chest with the white blanket she was supplied with. She was passed out asleep as Casey and I walked down the quiet path.

"So, i think nows a good time to explain that whole...... thing."

"Ha, good choice of vocabulary!" He laughed.

"Yea yea, now explain." i demanded while still giggling.

"Ever since i became immortal, they had forced me to join their 'force' if you could call it that."

"Ok, continue."

"And well we test Alikey's children to see if they're carrying the disease." I stayed silent.

"But during testing, most of the children can't handle all the medication. So with that, it causes death, and even the ones who do survive are internally weak anyways."

"Ok keep going." I said while dodging a stump.

"So because of the loss of all those children, he breeds more and more children causing more and more human hybrid deformations with god knows what kinds of powers."

"So what does the disease do?"

"Well, you know how animals get rabies and end up going on a complete rampage with eating anything in sight and are completely deadly to human society?!" he spat out rapidly.

"Yea." I said confused.

"Well, the disease is basically human rabies, it was passed down from his genes into him. So all of his children need to be tested just in case of this 'zombie' disease, as i nicknamed it."

"So, this force that you work in helps kids but kills them at the same time?"

"I guess, if you explain it in the simplest terms." He shrugged.


"Remember the first day we met." he stopped walking and sat down in a small patch of grass under a tree. I walked over and sat next to him, laying the baby down next to us as she slept.

"Yea... those were the good days." i laughed a bit while looking at the leaves sway in the wind.

"Our heads aren't meant to be Aaron, they just aren't!" he burst out laughing as my cheeks turned blush.

"Oh get over yourself dimwit, i could've said something worse."

"Oh ya? like what cutie?" He said while trying to control his laughter.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, just, knowing myself i could've said something worse than that."

"It was actually my fault." He looked down and clenched his lips in guilt.

"Pff, the bad boy admits his crime!"

"I was just looking for my geography text book when WHAM! you appeared in front of me! That shouldn't classify me as 'a bad boy'." he folded his arms.

"Yea whatever."

"Oh oh, remember the time that you got so peed off at me for paying for your lunch!" He started laughing again.

"Oh yeah, hey Casey, remember that time that you were being an arsehole and laughing at me the first day we met.. whoops forgot that was right now." i said and smirked at him while he held his stomach from laughing so hard.

"Oh good one! That hurt my feelings." He rolled his eyes.

"No no, actually, remember how scared you were when we had the lock down! you looked like you shiitakeed your pants!."

"Did i actually." he looked at me embarrassed.

"Yes, you actually!" then i started laughing.

"Wahhaaaaa!!" Marley awoke from our laughter.

"Do you think she's hungry?" he looked at me concerned.

"I ain't feedin that with my body."

"Aaron." he sighed holding out the baby as if it was a filled bag of moldy food.

"I think she'll manage until we get back to camp, besides she probably won't like milk anyways...... she'll like blood and i know it."

"Fine. But we've gotta get moving before it gets dark."

"Whats wrong with the dark, you scared you big baby?" i giggled.

"In fact i am." he shivered while wrapping Marley with the blanket.

"Really, why?"

"Because theres creatures of the night."


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